Eri-Co Power Cable-izer System

Oh No!  Not again!



  • Is your RV power cable a big mess?
  • Is it tangled and unmanagable?
  • Does everything fall out when you open the bay door?













“Uh-Huh, I am.”
  • Are you frustrated and feeling like a loser?











Well here’s good news for you!

While supplies last, I’ll send you my new, full-color booklet on how to install your own “Eri-Co Power Cable-izer System” for free! That’s right, free! (Just pay $15.99 Shipping and Handling)

The new “Eri-Co Power Cable-izer System” is the answer for your cluttered life.

In my new, full-color booklet I will show  you step-by-step how to:


Screenshot from 2015-06-04 21:58:15

Buy a power reel from a reputable

company online using Amazon.








Cut your power cable to create a new junction

near where the cable feeds up into the RV breaker panel.













Buy male and female 50A power plug/receptacles to rejoin the

power cable when plugged into shore power.








Install the plugs on the power cable.














Install the power reel far back in your bin to keep it out of the way

and create more storage space.














And finally, how to void your warranty by ripping the switch out

of the power reel, mounting and rewiring it in a new location in the bay.






It’s up to you to figure out how to get 12V of power from the

RV down to your power reel.  There are several options for you.

Bam!  Now you have your very own “Eri-Co Power Cable-izer System”!


Call now.
Operators are standing by!

But Wait!  There’s More…

As an added bonus I’m including, at no extra charge, a brand new section in my book on branding  your product.  I can’t overstate the importance of  creating a snappy, memorable name for your new product.  I’ll show you how!

2 thoughts on “Eri-Co Power Cable-izer System

  1. Great job Eric, But have you actually plugged it into a power supply yet?
    Might want to have Tina standing by with plenty of fire extinguishers !

    Keep giving us these great posts and don’t lose your sense oh humor.

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