sea lettuce scientific name

Indergaad, M and Minsaas, J. [21]. Habitat and Range This species grows attached to cobbles, boulders and bedrock in protected and semi-protected habitats. Source Large Mammals Scientific Name: Ulva gigantea Number of Blades/Leaves: Multiple bunch Mount: On acrylic mounting disk Blade/Leaf Width: Available in Small, Medium, and Large Distribution: The sea lettuces comprise the genus Ulva, a The genus also includes the species previously classified under the genus Enteromorpha, the former members of which are known under the common name green nori. What is sea lettuce? Rank Scientific Name and Common Name; Kingdom: Plantae ... sea lettuce Ulva pertusa sea lettuce Legal Status. Sea lettuce is a genus found in the green algae family, which includes many species that grow in harsh conditions, such as sewage and water that contains organic matter. Abundant during spring and dying off over summer, there are a few closely related species of Ulva, all called Sea Lettuce. Related Links. Britton & Rose. Wild lettuce on land has a white sap. Sea lettuce is very easy to keep, tolerating a wide range of lighting and temperature conditions. Phylum: Chlorophyta. It is also an important food for wintering flocks of Brants (an Arctic-breeding goose). The type species within the genus Ulva is Ulva lactuca, lactuca being Latin for "lettuce". Depth range: Intertidal to 25 meters. Plante Marchantiophyta Liverwort Gemma cup. Plante Brophyta Bryidae ... Scientific Name Common Name Structure on Left Structure in Middle Structure on Right. The usual stated purpose is for the removal of excess nutrients such as … Description: It is light green in color and has rough edges. Sea Lettuce Kingdom and all the other plant kingdom are Plantae. Ulva lactuca, also known by the common name sea lettuce, is an edible green alga in the family Ulvaceae. The rotting thalli produced large quantities of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas which, like hydrogen cyanide, inhibits cytochrome c oxidase, inhibiting cellular respiration and resulting in critical cellular hypoxia. Green to dark green in colour, this species in the Chlorophyta is formed of two layers of cells irregularly arranged, as seen in cross-section. Sea lettuce. Former Scientific Names: U. fenestrata. The fronds within the water resemble lettuce leaves, hence the name Sea Lettuce. When these haploid plants release gametes they unite to produce the zygote which germinates, and grows to produce the diploid plant. Many species of sea lettuce are a food source for humans in Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland, China, and Japan (where this food is known as aosa). Class: Cladophorophyceae. Washington State University explains that sea lettuce is mostly deposited on the shores of the ocean and other water bodies when sea water retreats. Kingdom Phylum Common Name Identify structure. Order: Ulvales-test. 1991 in Guiry, M.D. The sea lettuces comprise the genus Ulva, a group of edible green algae that is widely distributed along the coasts of the world's oceans. A synonym is U. fenestrata, referring to its “windowed” or “holed” appearance. Family: Ulvaceae. Environmentalists blamed the phenomenon on excessive use of fertilizers and the excretion of nitrates by pig and poultry farmers. Waller – sea lettuce P Species Ulva pertusa Kjellman – sea lettuce P Enter a scientific or common name at any rank. Kraft, Kraft, & R.F. [8], BAST, F., JOHN, A.A. AND BHUSHAN, S. 2014. The distribution is worldwide: Europe, North America (west and east coasts), Central America, Caribbean Islands, South America, Africa, Indian Ocean Islands, South-west Asia, China, Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand. It may reach 18 centimetres (7.1 in) or more in length, though generally much less, and up to 30 centimetres (12 in) across. [9][10] The result is that large quantities of Ulva lactuca are washed up on beaches, where their decay produces methane, hydrogen sulfide, and other gases. common sea lettuce Scientific name: Ulva lactuca. In the refugium, sea lettuce can be attached to live rock or another surface, or simply left to drift in the water. [17][18][19], U. lactuca is locally used in Scotland in soups and salads. The rotting leaves produced large quantities of hydrogen sulfide, a toxic gas. The usual stated purpose is for the removal of excess nutrients such as nitrate and phosphates. Common Name : sea Lettuce or green laver Scientific Name : Ulva lactuca Location : rocky shores, floats, mooring lines, lower intertidal Seasonality : available all year (best in spring - fall months) Color : bright, translucent green Size : palm sized fronds are average [6] Environmentalists blamed the phenomenon on excessive nitrogenous compounds washed out to sea from improper disposal of pig and poultry animal waste from industrial farms. Description: Ulva Macroalgae is also called Sea Lettuce algae. Scientific Name. Food. Sea lettuce is unmistakeable - most often a bright green and always translucent, it is found on all UK coasts. [3][4], Sea lettuce is eaten by a number of different sea animals, including manatees and the sea slugs known as sea hares. There are other species of Ulva which are similar and not always easy to differentiate. Identification: It is bright green and is an annual plant, which dies off in late summer and early autumn. Many reef aquarium keepers use sea lettuce species in refugia or grow it as a food source for herbivorous fish. Ranges in size from 6 inches to 2 feet. Habitat Jetties, sometimes on hard substrates in lower bays, occasionally in upper bays and Blunden, G. 1991. Dark sea lettuce is much darker green than U. lactuca, almost opaque, and tends to occur lower on the shore (low intertidal and subtidal) than U. lactuca. [5] However, contamination with toxic heavy metals at certain sites where it can be collected makes it dangerous for human consumption.[5]. Wetland Status. It is high in protein, soluble dietary fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Along with the scientific name and classification of Sea Lettuce, know about other Sea Lettuce Facts. Rich in iodine and some vitamins, it is also used by humans as food (“green laver”) in … A macroscopic alga which is light to dark green in colour, it is attached by disc holdfast. Just wondering, the wikipedia page for sea lettuce has "Ulva lactuca" as the scientific name, but "Ulva spp." It is the type species of the genus Ulva. Sea lettuce as a food for humans is eaten raw in salads and cooked in soups. [7] It is particularly prolific in areas where nutrients are abundant. It is the type species of the genus Ulva. In one incident near Saint-Michel-en-Grève, a horse rider lost consciousness and his horse died after breathing the seaweed fumes. The broadleaf sea lettuce is similar to the narrowleaf sea lettuce and the false kelp, but its blades are much broader than the others (sheet-like). Common Names. Nov 10, 2018 - PLEASE NOTE: Sea Lettuce Gigantea is mounted on an acrylic disk for easy sand/substrate installation. Delicious when raw with a distinctive flavor and aroma, sea lettuce is exceptionally rich in nutrients. Although initially recorded as a heart attack, the death of the truck driver prompted French authorities to exhume his remains for an autopsy. Ulva lactuca, also known by the common name sea lettuce, is an edible green alga in the family Ulvaceae. The sea lettuces comprise the genus Ulva, a group of edible green algae that is widely distributed along the coasts of the world's oceans. Two cells thick; you can see through this one as well! It was later determined to be cardiac arrest resulting from pulmonary edema, which is an indication of possible hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Family: Ulvaceae. The type species within the genus Ulva is Ulva lactuca, lactuca being Latin for "lettuce". The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose. The margin is somewhat ruffled and often torn. Synonyms Sea Lettuce, Sand Lettuce, Coast Dudleya, Coastal Dudleya, Bluff Lettuce. The genus also includes the species previously classified under the genus Enteromorpha,[1] the former members of which are known under the common name green nori. [10][14] Dead animals found on the algae-clogged beaches (including thirty-one wild boars in July 2011) were also claimed to be linked to toxic fumes by environmentalists. As it resembled wild lettuce it got the name given to lettuce, lactuca, which means milk bearing. The chloroplast is cup-shaped in some references but as a parietal plate in others[3] with one to three pyrenoids. Sea Lettuce – Ulva lactuca can be up to 45cm long and 30cm across. Strong endemism of bloom-forming tubular,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 March 2021, at 14:51. [2] The membrane is two cells thick, soft and translucent, and grows attached, without a stipe, to rocks or other algae by a small disc-shaped holdfast.[3]. [15][16], The sporangial and gametangial thalli are morphologically alike. It’s Edible for Humans. It is the type species of the genus Ulva. Interpreting Wetland Status. In one incident near Saint-Michel-en-Grève, a horse rider lost consciousness and his horse died after breathing the seaweed fumes; in another, a lorry driver driving a load of decomposing sea lettuce passed out, crashed, and died, with toxic fumes claimed to be the cause. Size: The average size of the thallus is 16″ across though smaller specimens are common. The scientific name is Ulva lactuca. In August 2009, unprecedented amounts of these algae washed up on the beaches of Brittany, France, causing a major public health scare as it decomposed. In this case Ulva was one of the first plants to get a scientific name and Ulva was used in the sense to mean a swamp grass. Reference Number: English Name: Scientific Name: Photo Details: Native Region of Species: Largest Image Size Available (in pixels) Preview: Description : Locality [8] This has been the case off the coast of Brittany where a high level of nitrates, from the intensive farming there, washes out to sea. COMMON NAME: Sea Lettuce - Ulva SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ulva sp. Common Name: Sea lettuce Also Known As: ... Scaevola sericea Scientific Name: ... Sea lettuce is often called as half flower because corolla tube, which is about 1.5 cm long, appears to be split down one side with five spreading petals. Kingdom Phylum Class Family Scientific Name Common Name. Sea lettuce species are commonly found in the saltwater aquarium trade, where the plants are valued for their high nutrient uptake and edibility. Scientific name: Ulva lactuca. Scientific name for Sea Lettuce is Ulva spp.? Sea lettuce. [1], Ulva lactuca is a thin flat green algae growing from a discoid holdfast. This leafy, bright green seaweed can be eaten in salads or added to soups. "An introduction to the (macro) algae of British Columbia", "The importance of sulfate reduction associated with, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, "Almost 100 places in Brittany have toxic seaweed", "Attack of the Deadly Slime: Farm Effluent Ruins French Beaches",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Hayden, H.S., Blomster, J., Maggs, C.A., Silva, P.C., Stanhope, M.J. and Waaland, J.R. (2003), This page was last edited on 16 November 2020, at 02:55. There are six kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Archaea/Archaeabacteria and Bacteria Eubacteria. Typical size: Up to 30 centimeters wide. [12] In an earlier separate incident at the same beach in July 2009, a truck driver had died near his vehicle after hauling three truckloads of sea lettuce without protective gear during the annual cleanup. Ulva is also the perfect addition to saltwater aquariums in need of cover for both fish and invertebrates. A synonym is U. fenestrata, referring to its "windowed" or "holed" appearance. [20] Ulva Macroalgae is also called Sea Lettuce algae. Can be white or black when dry. [3][4], Ulva lactuca is very common on rocks and on other algae in the littoral and sublittoral on shores all around the British Isles,[5] the coast of France,[6] the Low Countries[6] and up to Denmark. There are 14 species which are difficult to distinguish from each other. Sea lettuce is a common item in the diets of some polychaete worms, crustaceans (amphipods and crabs), snails, and sea urchins. Description: Thallus a green blade consisting of two cell layers, commonly with numerous small holes or perforations scattered throughout, reaching 60 cm (24 in) or more tall, although frequently much smaller. There are a lot of good reasons to incorporate Ulva macroalgae into one’s marine aquarium system. Common name: Sea Lettuce. Browse succulents by common name: Sea Lettuce - Plant information, facts and uses, photos, growing tips, where to buy, and more. Generally Ulva is called Sea Lettuce. Fry or roast, but not as good for chips Can be added fresh to salads Flowers are white or pinkish- white in colour and fragrant. [2], Individual blades of Ulva can grow to be more than 400 mm (16 in) in size, but this occurs only when the plants are growing in sheltered areas. Sea lettuce Scientific name: Ulva lactuca Sea lettuce is unmistakeable - most often a bright green and always translucent, it is found on all UK coasts. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. In fact, people all over the world eat it in various … Wildlife. Protista Alveolata Dinoflagellates. Sea lettuce, (genus Ulva ), genus of green algae (family Ulvaceae) usually found growing on rocky shores of seas and oceans around the world. Some species also grow in brackish water rich in organic matter or sewage and can accumulate heavy metals. In August 2009, unprecedented levels of the algae washed up on the beaches of Brittany, France,[12][13] causing a major public health scare as it decomposed. Their structure is a leaflike flattened thallus. Scientific name: Ulva lactuca General category: Green algae Description: Smooth, bright green and in broad sheets. Sea lettuce is a great addition to your reef tank as many reef fish love to eat Ulva and it is a natural nutrient removal system for your tank. Sea lettuce is the “salad greens” of sea vegetables. Alternative Title: Ulva. Uses : Sea Lettuce – Ulva lactucafor use in cooking, soups, with meats and fish, and salads. A newly discovered Indian endemic species of Ulva with tubular thallus indistinguishable from Ulva intestinalis has been formally established in 2014 as Ulva paschima Bast. Sea lettuce, which has the scientific name of Ulva lactuca and belongs to the family Ulvaceae, is perennial green seaweed that has a broad, translucent frond, which are two cell layers thick. Sea lettuce is safe to eat. was used in my class. Plants tend to be pale green when young, bright green when mature and dark green when old. Dudleya caespitosa (Haw.) The diploid adult plant produces haploid zoospores by meiosis, these settle and grow to form haploid male and female plants similar to the diploid plants. Sheets of Sea Lettuce can grow up to 30 cm in size.Sea Lettuce grows in shallow pools and across the tops of the reef where it provides food for many grazing animals. Species Ulva clathratioides L.G. The scientific name is Ulva lactuca. Sea lettuce, particularly Ulva lactuca, is rich in iodine and in vitamins A, B, and C and is used in salads and soups in parts of northern Europe, … [9][11], Certain environmental conditions can lead to the algae spreading over large areas. Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca) Appearance:Green seaweed, sheetlike in appearance. A synonym is U. fenestrata, referring to its "windowed" or "holed" appearance. The lettuce is very thin and often has several holes. Scientific name: Ulva lactuca Common name: Sea Lettuce Size: The average size of the thallus is 16″ across though smaller specimens are common. On the shores of the genus Ulva – Ulva lactuca, lactuca being Latin for `` lettuce '' there. Are six kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Fungi, Protista, and! Got the name sea lettuce sea lettuce scientific name species Ulva pertusa Kjellman – sea (..., Animalia, Fungi, Protista, Archaea/Archaeabacteria and Bacteria Eubacteria and green!, soups sea lettuce scientific name with meats and fish, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, iron... … sea lettuce – Ulva lactucafor use in cooking, sea lettuce scientific name, with meats and fish, and variety... Trade, where the plants are valued for their high nutrient uptake and edibility Enter! 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