overland campaign who won

[77], Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Sheridan, Lee was concerned about the critical road intersection at Old Cold Harbor, only six miles from Richmond. No action beyond minor skirmishing occurred during the day. His soldiers freed and recruited slaves and in one case whipped a plantation owner who had a reputation for harshness to his slaves. Lincoln had long advocated this strategy for his generals, recognizing that the city would certainly fall after the loss of its principal defensive army. In a raid toward Richmond, Confederate cavalry commander Maj. Gen. J.E.B. He also received intelligence that Breckinridge's infantry had been sighted near Waynesboro, effectively blocking any chance for further advance, so he decided to abandon his raid and return to the main army at Cold Harbor. [94], Sheridan and two cavalry divisions left on June 7 for their raid against the Virginia Central Railroad and to link up with Hunter. By 9 a.m. Wright's lead elements arrived at the crossroads, but Wright decided to delay Grant's intended attack until after Smith arrived, which occurred in the afternoon, and the XVIII Corps men began to entrench on the right of the VI Corps. Lee ordered cavalry under Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton to make a reconnaissance in force, break through the Union cavalry screen, and find the Union infantry. Salmon, p. 408–10; Wittenberg, pp. Wright's VI Corps had not moved out until after midnight and was on a 15-mile (24 km) march. Sheridan learned that General Hunter was not headed for Charlottesville as originally planned, but to Lynchburg. This was the first time the Union armies would have a coordinated offensive strategy across a number of theaters. That night, Lee moved two divisions of Jubal Early's corps from Spotsylvania Court House into position against Hancock. From 3 to 4 p.m., Hampton's five brigades attacked Gregg's two. (Six days later the supply base was moved again, from Port Royal to White House on the Pamunkey.) The column, which at times stretched for over 13 miles (21 km), reached the Confederate forward supply base at Beaver Dam Station that evening. 241–44; Rhea. Hampton took two of his brigades with him from Trevilian with his third remaining on his left to prevent flanking. The Civil War has been alternatively described as the last of the Napoleonic Wars or the first of the modern wars.1 Clearly it was a transitional war and one man, more than any other, can be credited with making the transition. Furthermore, the public interprets the results of the campaign based on these casualty lists. However, historians do not agree that Grant deliberately engaged in numerous attacks merely to defeat Lee solely through attrition, without regard for the losses to his army, needlessly throwing lives away in fruitless frontal assaults to bludgeon Lee. Lee, who was still in his tent suffering from the diarrhea that had incapacitated him during the North Anna battle, was fooled by Grant's actions and assumed that the Union general would be moving west for the first time in the campaign. The Union cavalrymen launched seven assaults against the apex and shorter leg of the "L", but were repulsed with heavy losses. "[55], Actions on May 23: Hancock attacks "Henagan's Redoubt", A.P. "[57], Brig. [68], As Lee's army stood in entrenchments behind Totopotomoy Creek, they were short on men. Jaynes, p. 130, cites Union effectives of 56,124, indicating that Sheridan's cavalry was absent and not included. Grant's objective was to force an engagement with Lee, outside of his Mine Run fortifications, by either drawing his forces out or turning them. Grimsley, pp. Gen. Emory Upton's brigade also met with heavy fire from Brig. As Truex's men charged through the gap, Clingman swung two regiments around to face them, and Anderson sent in Brig. In a raid attempting to destroy the Virginia Central Railroad to the west, Sheridan was thwarted by Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton at the Battle of Trevilian Station (June 11–12), the largest all-cavalry battle of the war. 120–21; Grimsley, pp. This error was fatal to Grant's plan. Gregg's cavalry division drove the Confederates from the Old Cold Harbor crossroads and began to dig in. The repulse of Ramseur's division discouraged Early and he ordered his corps to withdraw a short distance to the west. He ordered (on May 22) that his supply depots at Belle Plain, Aquia Landing, and Fredericksburg be moved to a new base at Port Royal, Virginia, on the Rappahannock River. Burnside's IX Corps and Hancock's II Corps stayed in place to guard the river crossings while Warren's V Corps and Wright's VI Corps, led by Sheridan's cavalry, began their march toward crossings near Hanovertown, about 34 miles to the southeast. Grant realized that the strength of the Confederate position meant another stalemate was at hand. But Lee lacked the means to execute his plan. When Grant became convinced that he would not be able to dislodge the rebels, he disengaged his army on May 21 and, still confident that he could win a war of attrition even after losing another 18,000 men at Spotsylvania, ordered them to march southeast toward Richmond. He also sent a small brigade of North Carolina cavalry down the southern bank of the Pamunkey to scout and harass the Union advance wherever possible. [31], Throughout the afternoon, Confederate engineers scrambled to create a new defensive line 500 yards further south at the base of the Mule Shoe, while fighting at the Bloody Angle continued day and night with neither side achieving an advantage. Hancock's II Corps began pushing south from Chesterfield Bridge at about the same time that Ledlie was initially crossing the river, but the combined divisions of Maj. Gens. [78], Torbert ordered the rest of his division to move up. Johnson requested to Ewell that his artillery be returned, but somehow the order did not reach the artillery units until 3:30 a.m. on May 12, 30 minutes before Hancock's assault was planned to start. Grant continued his interest in Old Cold Harbor as an avenue for Smith's arrival and ordered Wright's VI Corps to move in that direction from his right flank on Totopotomoy Creek, and he ordered Sheridan to return to the crossroads and secure it "at all hazards." But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Kennedy, p. 283; Eicher, pp. The dead were piled four deep, and beneath some corpses were the twitching bodies of some of the wounded, still alive. As Butler's men fled to the rear, his reserve regiment, the 7th South Carolina, counterattacked in an attempt to maintain the line. Grant's intended advance of Hancock's corps was delayed by the Harris farm engagement, so the troops did not begin their movement south until the night of May 20–21. Gen. David McM. [26], Grant ordered Hancock to cross the Po River and attack the Confederates' left flank, driving them back toward Burnside's position near the Ni River, while the rest of his command, in the center, watched for an opening to attack there as well. The strategy failed in that Lee, possessing shorter lines of march (being nearer to Richmond, which was also his base), was able to prevent Grant's forces getting between Lee and Richmond, but was effective in allowing Grant to draw progressively closer to Richmond up to the battle at Cold Harbor. [102], On June 20, Fitz Lee attempted to attack the Union supply depot at White House, but Sheridan's arrival relieved the garrison there. Hill's approach on the Plank Road that afternoon was detected, and Meade ordered the VI Corps division of Brig. The Overland Campaign, also known as Grant's Overland Campaign and the Wilderness Campaign, was a series of battles fought in Virginia during May and June 1864, in the American Civil War. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert's division moved down the road to Trevilian Station while a third advanced toward Louisa Court House. One of Wright's regiments, the 7th Georgia, got between Custer's force and Trevilian Station. Wright's VI Corps was sent northwest from Hanovertown toward Hanover Court House. At 2 p.m., Grant and Lee coincidentally ordered simultaneous attacks in this stalemated sector. Following their severe beating at the Battle of Gettysburg the previous year, the I Corps and the III Corps had been disbanded and their survivors reallocated to other corps, which damaged unit cohesion and morale. Gen. George A. Custer, Custer led his brigade on a road southwest to Trevilian Station. Encountering the Confederate earthworks manned by Brig. Lee. You will succeed. Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry division was ordered to "break up this nest and stop their uncivilized proceedings." At around 6 p.m., Col. Emory Upton led a group of 12 hand-picked regiments, about 5,000 men in four battle lines, against an identified weak point on the west side of the Mule Shoe. Lee was determined despite this disappointment. Early in the morning, Brig. King, Curtis S., William G. Robertson, and Steven E. Clay. [46], On the morning of May 23, Warren and Hancock approached the North Anna. By engaging Lee's forces and not permitting them to escape, Grant forced Lee into an untenable position. [34], Movements on May 7, 1864; cavalry actions inset, Positions and movements on the Union flanks, May 9, Movements, May 17, final Union attacks, May 18, For the early days of the campaign—the Wilderness and the approach to Spotsylvania Court House—Meade had employed Sheridan's Cavalry Corps primarily in the traditional role of screening and reconnaissance, whereas Sheridan saw the value of wielding his force as an independently operating offensive weapon for wide-ranging raids into the rear areas of the enemy. READ MORE: The American Civil War: A Timeline. The brigade of Brig. [95], At dawn on June 11, Hampton devised a plan in which he would split his divisions across the two roads leading to Clayton's Store and converge on the enemy at that crossroads, pushing Sheridan back to the North Anna River. If this happened, he wanted to follow up with an immediate attack. Reinforcements from Anderson arrived just as Warren's men pulled up within 100 yards to the north. [36], Stuart moved his 4,500 troopers to get between Sheridan and Richmond. Devin deployed three regiments in line, Butler two, with one in reserve. He was convinced that Lee had demonstrated the weakness of his army by not attacking when he had the upper hand. Kennedy, p. 295; Wittenberg, pp. Although the Federals had a two-day head start, the Confederates had the advantage of a shorter route (about 45 miles versus 65) and terrain that was more familiar to them. Grimsley, pp. SARASOTA, Fla. – Two weeks from today, 2019 World Rowing Championships' bronze medalist Kara Kohler, 2016 Olympic silver medalist Gevvie Stone and 36 other women's single scullers will battle it out for the first spot on rowing's 2020 U.S. Olympic Team, pending USOPC approval. The door was open for Sheridan's capture of the important Old Cold Harbor crossroads the next day. [40], Sheridan destroyed the Virginia Central Bridge in his wake to prevent further pursuit. Once Lee recognized that his opponent had departed, he moved his army swiftly in response. Meade halted his army and directed Warren to attack if the Confederates were a small, isolated group. The VI Corps division of Brig. Such a strategy could not succeed without the continuing threat of defeat by direct assault in each of the positions assumed by Lee's army. Welcher, pp. Gen. Wesley Merritt's division, to seize the span and the high bluffs beyond. Stuart. The fighting kept up for an hour after Stuart was wounded, Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee taking temporary command. Three miles west of Hanovertown, and a mile beyond a large blacksmith shop called Haw's Shop, Gregg's troopers ran into Hampton at Enon Church, finding the Confederate cavalrymen dismounted in a wooded area, hurriedly erecting breastworks made of logs and rails, and well covered by artillery. Map 1:Movements into the Wilderness: 4 May 1864. Gen. Romeyn B. Ayres had to take cover in a gully to avoid enfilading fire. Early planned to send the division of Maj. Gen. Robert E. Rodes on a flanking march along Old Church Road, turning north at Bethesda Church, and following paths that his cavalry had precut through the underbrush to smash into Warren's rear areas. See. But Grant and Meade did not give specific orders for the attack, leaving it up to the corps commanders to decide where they would hit the Confederate lines and how they would coordinate with each other. [15], The Overland Campaign began as Grant's forces crossed the Rapidan River on May 4, 1864. Welsh, pp. Unfortunately, he had not sufficiently empowered a subordinate commander to take over during his illness. On May 8, Sheridan told Meade that if his command were freed to operate as an independent unit, he could defeat "Jeb" Stuart. Burnside's division under Brig. He wrote to the Army's chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Henry W. Halleck: "Lee's army is really whipped. Warren's V Corps cleared the roads heading south, advancing over Long Bridge and White Oak Swamp Bridge, taking up a blocking position just east of Riddell's Shop, facing toward Richmond while Burnside's IX Corps and Smith's XVIII Corps withdrew from the original line of entrenchments. His condition was serious enough that he was temporarily replaced in command by Maj. Gen. Jubal Early. He and his chief engineer devised a solution: a five-mile (8 km) line that formed an inverted "V" shape with its apex on the river at Ox Ford, the only defensible crossing in the area. On June 16 the column passed through Bowling Green and, traveling along the north bank of the Mattaponi River, arrived at King and Queen Court House on June 18. Trudeau, pp. Map 11:Movement from Cold Harbor to the James River: 12–14 June 1864. [16], Early on May 5, Warren's V Corps was advancing south toward the Plank Road when Ewell's Corps appeared in the west on the Turnpike. He wrote to Meade, "The opinion of the corps commanders not being sanguine of success in case an assault is ordered, you may direct a suspension of further advance for the present." Grant's army totaled approximately 68,000 men, depleted from the start of the campaign by battle losses, illnesses, and expired enlistments. Federal horse artillery made sure that the Confederate infantry no longer was a threat, and three mounted cavalry regiments skirmished with approaching enemy cavalry, turning them aside and protecting the rear. Custer's men pinned down remaining threatening enemy units and captured two artillery pieces, while pioneers energetically planked the bridge to provide safe passage for large numbers of men and horses. Meade ordered his three corps commanders on the left to assault at once, without regard to the movements of their neighboring corps. Wright's men made little progress south of the Mechanicsville Road, recoiling from heavy fire. Kennedy, p. 295, states that Lee joined Hampton at noon on June 12. 29–30. Wright's men increased their rifle fire but stayed in place. 672–73; Rhea. Custer inspired his men by staying mounted as he led them forward. Not informed of the delay, Brig. The Burma Campaign 1941 - 1945. He promised that the black soldiers would be taken to Richmond and treated as prisoners of war, but if they did not surrender, he would not be "answerable for the consequences." Burnside headed south, followed by Wright and Hancock. [56], At 1:30 p.m. on May 24 Lee demanded the surrender of the garrison. General Lee, caught up in the excitement, began to move forward with the advancing brigade. Again the Laurel Hill line repulsed the Union troops with heavy losses. Westward Expansion (1807-1912) quiz that tests what you know about important details and events in the book. [47], Hancock's men, led by the division of Maj. Gen. David B. Birney, overwhelmed Henagan's small force, which fled across the bridge. 35, 39–41; Welcher, pp. Grimsley, pp. Hancock's men did not cross the bridge and seize ground to the south because Confederate artillery was laying down heavy fire against them. On the western line of the V, reaching southwest to anchor on Little River, was the corps of A.P. Gordon Rhea, Onto Petersburg, (Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 2017), 334. Estimates of casualties that morning are from 3,000 to 7,000 on the Union side, no more than 1,500 on the Confederate. Grant maneuvered again, meeting Lee at the North Anna River (Battle of North Anna, May 23–26). Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert, who delegated the responsibility to the brigade of Col. Thomas C. Devin, which was encamped at the Old Church crossroads. Sauté until the vegetables are tender, about 8 minutes. Why didn't you throw your whole force on them and drive them back as Jackson would have done? He was surprised to encounter some of Pickett's men at Milford Station on May 21, from which he inferred correctly that Lee was being reinforced. 157, 172; Welcher, p. 1053; Starr, p. 142; Salmon, p. 299. [96], After a brief clash on the Confederate right flank between Fitzhugh Lee and the advancing brigade of Brig. When his men reached the open field, Confederate artillery ripped them to shreds, and they retreated. Assuming only cavalry blocked his path, Warren ordered an immediate attack. He told them to press on toward Richmond. Lee at first believed that Grant's main target was Richmond and devoted only minimal troops under Gen. P.G.T. Both attacks failed under heavy fire, and Crawford ordered his men to pull back. [51], Although the Union army had done precisely what Lee had hoped it would do, Lee's plan came to naught. [60], Before he could move, however, Grant was faced with the problem of disengaging from Lee's army. At 4 p.m. Torbert and elements of Brig. The Army of the Potomac expected that Grant would order their retreat as his predecessors had done repeatedly when repelled by Lee. 300–301; Rhea. Meade also ordered Warren and Burnside to attack Lee's left flank in the morning "at all hazards," convinced that Lee was moving troops from his left to fortify his right. Rather than risk his corps in a fight in an isolated location, he decided to terminate his maneuver. After resupplying with Butler, Sheridan's men returned to join Grant at Chesterfield Station on May 24. [106], Grant's crossing of the James altered his original strategy of attempting to drive directly on Richmond, and led to the Siege of Petersburg. In March 1864, Grant was summoned from the Western Theater, promoted to lieutenant general, and given command of all Union armies. They were repulsed again. Grant and Meade were left without cavalry resources during the critical days of the battle to come. Wittenberg, pp. We marched when and where we pleased; were always the attacking party, and always successful. [30], As Hancock bogged down, Grant sent in reinforcements, ordering both Wright and Warren to move forward. Artillery and small arms fire ignited the dry tinder, which resulted in an inferno that roasted hundreds of wounded soldiers who couldn’t escape the forest of flames. For the highest quality products and affordable prices, trust the experts at Natural Grocers. Jaynes, Gregory, and the Editors of Time-Life Books. Lee had assured Hill that Longstreet's Corps would arrive to reinforce Hill before dawn, but moving cross-country in the dark, they made slow progress and lost their way at times. Both sides claimed victory. Crawford sent forward the brigade of Col. Martin Davis Hardin, men of the Pennsylvania Reserves whose enlistments were due to expire that day. Lee took 2,500 men and one cannon on a 40-mile march from Atlee's Station to reach Wilson's Wharf. In. 23–25; Longacre. Massive fire from the Confederate lines quickly caused heavy casualties, and the survivors were pinned down. Kennedy, p. 291; Salmon, p. 294; Welcher, p. 984. Lee's engineers used their time effectively and constructed the "most ingenious defensive configuration the war had yet witnessed. Gen. Thomas L. Clingman's brigade and fell back to its starting point. Gen. George A. Custer, part of Brig. [37], After Yellow Tavern, Sheridan led his troops southward towards Richmond on May 11, carefully feeling his way through the abandoned outer defensive works. The morning of the river crossing, Lee suddenly suffered a debilitating attack of diarrhea and was forced to remain in his tent, bedridden. 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