jupiter and io

Bk I:689-721 Mercury tells the story of Syrinx. Bk I:668-688 Jupiter sends Mercury to kill Argus. This artist's impression by the European Space Agency shows NASA's Cassini spacecraft exploring the magnetic environment of Saturn. Io was, in Greek mythology, one of the mortal lovers of Zeus. In Correggio's Jupiter and Io (whose story is narrated in Book 1 of the Metamorphoses), the softness of Io's body is primary.The surface of the painting is given a light sfumato, creating a soft texture that invites you to reach out and touch it, and yet, the figure is wrapped in a penumbral protective layer. That was until Jupiter (who, quite frankly, got Io into this mess), devised a plan! Correggio’s Jupiter and Io was most probably, one of four mythological paintings representing the Loves of Zeus, or Jupiter for the Romans, commissioned by the Duke of Mantua, Federico Il Gonzaga, for the decoration of his private Studiolo. Get my free E-Book on Mythology here: https://www.stories-of-art.com/free-e...Stories of Art tells you the great stories behind your favourite works of art. Juno, Jupiter and Io Oil on canvas. It also serves the purpose of reminding us of Io’s background. Noteworthy is the contrast between the evanescent figure of the immaterial Jupiter, and the sensual substance of Io's body, shown lost in an erotic rapture which anticipates the works of Bernini and Rubens. Additionally, New Horizons snapped the first close-up images of the Little Red Spot, a nascent storm about half the size of Jupiter’s larger Great Red Spot and about 70 percent of Earth’s diameter, gathering new information on storm dynamics. When Jupiter fell in love with Io, he changed himself into the shape of a dark cloud to hide himself from his jealous wife Juno. While Jupiter is immortal and possibly took advantage of Io, we are aware of Io’s mortal background. The observation was made at a solar phase angle of 75 degrees but has been projected onto a crescent to remove distortion caused by Jupiter’s rotation during the scan. This image of asteroid Vesta from NASA's Dawn spacecraft shows a relatively smooth area of Vesta's surface. Jupiter and Io is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance artist Antonio da Correggio around 1530. However, Juno … Correggio, Jupiter and Io, 1532-33, oil on canvas 163.5 x 70.5 cm (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Jupiter and Io and the other canvases by Correggio discussed in the video, The Rape (Abduction)of Ganymede, Danäe, and Leda and the Swan illustrate stories from the poem Metamorphoses by the Roman poet Ovid. Jupiter’s frequent presence in the poem does not, however, mean that he is a character worthy of respect. When Io fled from Jupiter – in Greek and Roman mythology the king of gods and man, the master of Heaven and Earth – he summoned dark clouds in broad daylight in order to keep the object of his desire from escaping and to seduce her in all secrecy, because he feared the revenge of his jealous wife, Juno. This is a montage of New Horizons images of Jupiter and its volcanic moon Io, taken during the spacecraft’s Jupiter flyby in early 2007. This picture is a composite of 30 images from ESA's Huygens probe. The Jupiter image is an infrared color composite taken by the spacecraft's near-infrared imaging spectrometer on Feb. 28, 2007. New radio images by the ALMA telescope array show the … With each orbit, Io is stretched and then relaxed, and this continual stretch-relax-stretch-relax cycle produces frictional heat, warming up … Jupiter and Io is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance artist Antonio da Correggio around 1530. The exploration of Io, Jupiter's innermost Galilean and third-largest moon, began with its discovery in 1610 and continues today with Earth-based observations and visits by spacecraft to the Jupiter system. In them, scientists spotted clumps of debris that may indicate a recent impact inside the rings, or some more exotic phenomenon; movies made from New Horizons images also offer an unprecedented look at ring dynamics, with the tiny inner moons Metis and Adrastea shepherding the materials around the rings. Io, daughter of Inachus, the first king of Argos, is seduced by Jupiter (Zeus in Greek), who hides behind the dunes to avoid hurting the jealous Juno (Hera in Greek). ‘Jupiter and Io’ was created in 1785 by John Hoppner in Romanticism style. Io, now living as a cow, was under the ever-watchful eyes of Argus. In most instances, Ovid portrays Jupiter as foolish, rash, and lustful. MEDLI2 determined the heating and atmospheric forces on the aeroshell that protected Perseverance on its journey to Mars and during landing. When Juno heard that Io had escaped, she sent a gadfly after Io. Choose your favorite jupiter and io designs and purchase them as wall art, home decor, phone cases, tote bags, and more! The series of Jupiter's Loves was conceived after the success of Venus and Cupid with a Satyr. The four largest moons of Jupiter in order of distance from Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. It's a transformation scene. British art historian Cecil Gould suggested that Federico had commissioned the Io and Ganymede for himself, and that they were ceded to Charles V only after the duke's death in 1540, perhaps on occasion of the marriage of the king's son, Philip;[2] other hypothesized that Federico ordered them for the Ovid room in his Palazzo Te. All jupiter and io artwork ships within 48 hours and includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. The infrared wavelengths used highlight variations in the altitude of the Jovian cloud tops. They made the most detailed size and speed measurements yet of “waves” that run the width of planet and indicate violent storm activity below. Bk I:642-667 Inachus finds Io and grieves for her. This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, Surface Covered by Regolith and Fresh Young Impacts, Outline of an Ancient Sea on Titan -- Annotated, SOFIA Offers New Way to Study Earth's Atmosphere, NASA OSIRIS-REx's Final Asteroid Observation Run, Sensors Collect Crucial Data on Mars Landings with Arrival of Perseverance, NASA's Europa Clipper Builds Hardware, Moves Toward Assembly, NASA's InSight Detects Two Sizable Quakes on Mars. Jupiter’s moons are hot. Io’s gravity is much weaker than Earth’s, and its atmosphere is very thin. The spacecraft will use multiple flybys of the moon to investigate the habitability of this ocean world. Sometimes particles from eruptions become a part of Io’s atmosphere, and sometimes they escape it due to Jupiter’s giant magnetosphere. It also serves the purpose of reminding us of Io’s background. Correggio’s Jupiter and Io was most probably, one of four mythological paintings representing the Loves of Zeus, or Jupiter for the Romans, commissioned by the Duke of Mantua, Federico Il Gonzaga, for the decoration of his private Studiolo. Click on image for full size Kunsthistorishes Museum, Vienna. The nymph Io is pursued by the god Jupiter. “it was a chance for us to take sophisticated instruments to places in the Jovian system where other spacecraft couldn’t go, and to return important data that adds tremendously to our understanding of the solar system’s largest planet and its moons, rings and atmosphere.”. Jupiter turned Io into a cow temporarily to cover his tracks. Jovian weather was high on the list, as New Horizons’ visible light, infrared and ultraviolet remote-sensing instruments probed Jupiter’s atmosphere for data on cloud structure and composition. Shop for jupiter and io art from the world's greatest living artists. OSIRIS-REx will get one last close encounter with Bennu as it performs a final flyover to capture images of the asteroid’s surface. it was a chance for us to take sophisticated instruments to places in the Jovian system where other spacecraft couldn’t go, and to return important data that adds tremendously to our understanding of the solar system’s largest planet and its moons, rings and atmosphere. Explanation: Our solar system's ruling giant planet Jupiter and 3 of its 4 large Galilean moons are captured in this single Hubble snapshot from January 24. Jupiter was often tempted by other women and took on various disguises in order to cover his various escapades, one time taking the form of a swan, another time of an eagle, and in this painting he is not becoming something else so much as enveloping himself in a dark cloud, even though it is bright daylight. After Juno found out that the cow was actually Io, she turned Io into a cow permanently and captured her. New Horizons' flight down Jupiter's magnetotail gave it an unprecedented look at the vast region dominated by the planet's strong magnetic field. Related links: Jupiter's moon, Io. As Io orbits, its elliptical path carries it closer to and farther from Jupiter, which changes the strength of the tidal pull and the amount of stretching. The Jupiter image is an infrared color composite taken by the spacecraft’s near-infrared imaging spectrometer, the Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA) at 1:40 UT on Feb. 28, 2007. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. She is pulling Jupiter's vague, smoky hand towards herself with barely contained sensuality; this is a sensual painting, depicting one of the many loves of the god. But he forgot to change Io back into human form. Credit: NASA/JPL/DLR. The Cassini spacecraft looks up from beneath the ringplane to spy Atlas hugging the outer edge of the A ring, above center. Hera persuaded Zeus to give her the heifer and sent Argus Panoptes (“the All-Seeing”) to watch her. He would send his son Mercury to bore Argus to a full sleep and retrieve the poor Io from her guard. From January through June, New Horizons’ seven science instruments made more than 700 separate observations of the Jovian system – twice the activity planned at Pluto – with most of them coming in the eight days around closest approach to Jupiter. To throw his wife off the scent, Jupiter turns Io into a cow. It now hangs in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria.[1]. Phillips Davis This signed and dated painting by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout depicts one of the many love affairs of Jupiter, told in Ovid's Metamorphosis (I, 612-616). Io, now living as a cow, was under the ever-watchful eyes of Argus. Io loses about one metric ton per second of gases and dust, creating a ring of hot plasma—a plasma torus—around the orbit. Juno was the jealous wife of Jupiter, the king of the gods. Io was a priestess of the Roman goddess Juno. Dr. Lori Glaze The image shows a major eruption in progress on Io’s night side, at the northern volcano Tvashtar. Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei was the first to record an observation of Io on January 8, 1610, though Simon Marius may have also observed Io at around the same time. When Io fled from Jupiter – in Greek and Roman mythology the king of gods and man, the master of Heaven and Earth – he summoned dark clouds in broad daylight in order to keep the object of his desire from escaping and to seduce her in all secrecy, because he feared the revenge of his jealous wife, Juno. Looking specifically at the fluxes of charged particles that flow hundreds of millions of miles beyond the giant planet, the New Horizons particle detectors saw evidence that tons of material from Io’s volcanoes move down the tail in large, dense, slow-moving blobs. This image, taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, shows a small patch of bright material close to the northern rim of the giant crater Yalode, seen at lower left. Saturn's magnetosphere is depicted in ... Cassini in the environmental test chamber, 25' Space Simulator in building 150 at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Antonio da Correggio: "Jupiter and Io" (1532). Correggio, Jupiter and Io, 1532-33, oil on canvas 163.5 x 70.5 cm (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) Speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Jupiter and Io and the other canvases by Correggio discussed in the video, The Rape (Abduction)of Ganymede, Danäe, and Leda and the Swan illustrate stories from the poem Metamorphoses by the Roman poet Ovid. Correggio, Jupiter and Io by Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker Correggio, Jupiter and Io , 1532-33, oil on canvas, 163.5 x 70.5 cm (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) The tortured terrain of Saturn's moon Dione is documented in this Cassini spacecraft image. Under a range of lighting and viewing angles, New Horizons also captured the clearest images ever of the tenuous Jovian ring system. Amanda Barnett Jupiter was very unfaithful. Director, NASA Planetary Science Division: Io is caught in a tug-of-war between Jupiter's massive gravity and the smaller but precisely timed pulls from two neighboring moons that orbit farther from Jupiter—Europa and Ganymede. Mercury succeeds, and Io is eventually transformed back into a nymph. It now hangs in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. He would send his son Mercury to bore Argus to a full sleep and retrieve the poor Io from her guard. Similar to “Io’s Reality Check,” the following poem tells the story of how I imagined Callisto may have ended up orbiting Jupiter as one of the Galilean moons.Callisto was a minor character, best known for being turned into a bear by Juno for having an affair with Jupiter. Bill Dunford. “The Jupiter encounter was successful beyond our wildest dreams,” says New Horizons Principal Investigator Alan Stern. These paintings render the myths of, 1. The magnitude 3.3 and 3.1 temblors originated in a region called Cerberus Fossae, further supporting the idea that this location is seismically active. The remote imagers also kept watch on Io in the darkness of Jupiter’s shadow, noting mysterious glowing gas clouds above dozens of volcanoes. Vasari mentions that the commissioner, duke Federico Gonzaga II, wanted to donate the works to emperor and King of Spain Charles V: that the other two works, Ganymede Abducted by the Eagle and Jupiter and Io, were in Spain during the 16th century implies that they were part of the same series. An Argive princess, she was an ancestor of many kings and heroes such as Perseus, Cadmus, Heracles, Minos, Lynceus, Cepheus, and Danaus. When the guard closed his eyes, Apollo flew Io back to her river. This image from NASA's Dawn spacecraft of asteroid Vesta shows Octavia crater, located in Vesta's Marcia quadrangle, just south of Vesta's equator. Prometheus also orbits within this division. Correggio portrays Jupiter as a grey smoke, head and hand reaching down to steal a kiss from Io, in a secret loves embrace. The astronomer Simon Marius named a moon of Jupiter after Io in 1614. And sometimes he's … That's reasonably close to the avg distance our moon is from us (238k miles) There are plenty of visualizations of what Jupiter would look like if it were the same distance as the moon which give you a reasonable approximation of the view from Io (assuming you could see through the atmosphere there. Jupiter and Io, by Correggio, 1531-32 (Oil on Canvas, 163.5 x 70.5 cm). So, to save Io from her, he changed the maiden to a white cow. Signed and dated lower right: G. V. Eeckhout fc./1672. The scene of Jupiter and Io is inspired by Ovid's classic Metamorphoses. New Horizons’ global map of Io’s surface backs the moon’s status as the solar system’s most active body, showing more than 20 geological changes since the Galileo Jupiter orbiter provided the last close-up look in 2001. Bk I:568-587 Inachus mourns for Io. It was the eighth spacecraft to visit Jupiter – but a combination of trajectory, timing and technology allowed it to explore details no probe had seen before, such as lightning near the planet’s poles, the life cycle of fresh ammonia clouds, boulder-size clumps speeding through the planet’s faint rings, the structure inside volcanic eruptions on its moon Io, and the path of charged particles traversing the previously unexplored length of the planet’s long magnetic tail. Social Media Lead: Bk I:601-621 Jupiter transforms Io to a heifer. In the first edition of his Lives, late Renaissance art biographer Giorgio Vasari mentions only two of the paintings, Leda and the Swan (today at the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin) and one Venus (presumably the Danae currently in the Borghese Gallery of Rome), although he knew them only from descriptions provided by Giulio Romano. Science Writer: Saturn appears serene and majestic in the first color composite made of images taken by NASA's Cassini spacecraft on its approach to the ringed planet, with arrival still 20 months away. This montage appears on the cover of the Oct. 12, 2007 issue of Science magazine. Find more prominent pieces of mythological painting at Wikiart.org – best visual art database. German researcher Heinz Hübers led a team to improve one of SOFIA’s instruments. , more detailed image of smog-enshrouded Titan heating and atmospheric forces on the aeroshell that protected on. Color view from Cassini reveals the colorful and intriguing surface of Saturn 's north pole picture is a of! Red beneath a 330-kilometer High volcanic plume, whose uppermost portions are illuminated sunlight. Had come the northern volcano Tvashtar with Bennu as it performs a final flyover capture... Up from beneath the ringplane to spy Atlas hugging the outer edge of the mortal lovers of.! 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