The Dukes of Hazzard

Alex: OK, save me a seat. ch_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Alex and his two friends are heading toward the park to attend the concert. It is very nice. Mail this lesson to friends and teachers. ch_width = 550; John: There is a food stand over there. Jane: Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the concert. You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. There will be good Country music, a lot of stomping around, and definitely a lot of hollering. var ch_queries = new Array( ); You can click on the printer icon just below and to the right of the contact us menu button at the top of the page or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want onto a word document and then print onto some paper. Jane: I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I will save you a piece if you want, John. English lesson on AMUSEMENT PARKS. In the shade or in the sun? It is very nice. I want mine to be red though. Alex: John, what kind of music do you like? Alex: People are probably heading toward the park for the concert. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘amusement park'? John: Me too. John: Talking about cars, why is the traffic so heavy today? Good thing that we are here already. Jane: Keep on dreaming, Alex. Thanks, Jane. Alex: Hey Jane, John, there is a musical concert in the park. Click the @ below. ch_client = "Thangavel1"; B: I want to go on the slide. B: I'm having so much fun. John, you have to taste her cream cakes one of these days. ch_color_site_link = "0D37FF"; Are you sure you do not want any chips, Jane? I already have my bottle of water. Jane: I am done with my homework; I can go. Easy English Conversations Index This is a typical Easy English Conversations in The Park. It is almost 3:00PM, and the concert is about to start. Alex: Jane, where do you want to sit? //-->. ch_sid = "Chitika Premium"; 1.

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