Tech Review – Media

I knew before we left for this adventure that there would be times and places where we would not be able to get TV or internet and I might have to just read a book or something in my downtime! Ugh!  As it turns out we rarely have any downtime.  If we’re not driving, we’re planning our next location, or trying to find and open RV Park or Walmart or Cabela’s to camp at or trying to enjoy the great outdoors or fixing something on the RV.  We keep plenty busy.

However, I’m one of those people who needs TV or something playing in order for me to fall asleep at night, so for those nights when that wasn’t available I brought old radio programs.  One place to get radio programs is the  Old Time Radio Program Internet Archive.

Before we left I downloaded over 1600 old radio programs from the ’40’s and ’50’s.  They’re great.  Shows like X-Minus One,  Bold Venture, Boston Blackie,Fort Laramie and the entire days live newscast from CBS of D-day, June 26, 1944  WWII invasion of Normandy.

It’s about 8 Gig’s of data.  I’ve stored them all on my laptop.  Since we have the WiFi Ranger router on the RV we have an internal Wifi network in the RV.  I use this to stream the radio shows to my phone.  When I go to bed I use ES Filemanager on my Android phone to connect to my laptop drive over the Wifi network.  Pick the shows I want to listen to, hit Play and plug in my earphones… Goodnight…


X    B   F

I find I like falling asleep to these radio programs better than the TV –  better commercials!  🙂

I’ve been listening to Bold Venture, a radio program with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall.  Bogey is Slate Shannon a hotel owner in Havana Cuba who solves crimes and helps all sorts of people… hmmm sound familiar.  One person he helped was a widow whose husband “supposedly” died in the Texas City disaster of 1947…  Spoiler alert, he really just wanted to get away from his wife, he didn’t die!  Bogey finds him.  Don’t mess with the Bogey man!

Also, Fort Laramie.  The story of Capt Lee Quince of the Cavalry.  Capt. Quince is played by none other than… Raymond Burr!  He did this program just one year before he became Perry Mason… (I didn’t know Raymond Burr was Canadian).

Good stuff… check out old time radio shows.

Note to my Mom:  These shows are even better than Walker Texas Ranger or Matlock!

4 thoughts on “Tech Review – Media

  1. I think you’re the one who told Melissa and I about “Gone With The Wynns”. If you’re not reading their posts right now, you may want to read this one.
    They give great details about what to do if you get a flat on your rig. In this case, they were in the middle of nowhere Alaska. I hope your travels continue to go well. It looks like you’re having an awesome time! Keep the great posts coming.

    1. Thanks! If I had internet connection I might read it… I had to drive 20 miles just to download emails!!

  2. Loved the radio shows, too! Our favorite is Burns and Gracie or Jack Benny. That guy that faked his death in the Texas City Disaster must not have had any children – they can track you down – I know!

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