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“One of the difficulties facing scientists today is it’s difficult to understand what on earth their discoveries mean,” he says. Movies: Live performances fade away, but film lasts forever (unless it's on VHS....or Beta....or laserdisc...). It was a fascinating discussion of how long it takes for famous people to no longer be remembered by at least 100 people. “They were very, very focused on fame,” says Thomas Harrison, professor of Ancient History at the University of St Andrews. Domains that were once popular are now rare. It wasn’t quite finished, and he was mortally embarrassed lest anyone see it. Using Simonton's three categories of lasting genius, I am dividing my list into exceptional leadership, outstanding creativity, and prodigious performance. If you were placing bets, you probably wouldn’t bank on this pharaoh becoming a household name several thousand years later. When he died a few years later, the funeral procession stretched for two miles and included some 100,000 people. Replay. First of all, who remembers us and why depends on many factors; our relationships (family, kids, siblings etc. There is ample evidence that the songwriters are likely in good shape, or at least their products. The steady march of time has left many other similar casualties in its wake – people who have risen to dizzying heights of fame only to be largely forgotten. That’s because one response has been to intentionally wipe villains from history – erasing all traces of their name from the public record, including tearing down everything they’ve built. “When Mark David Chapman, who shot John Lennon, was being charged for murder, he said ‘in order to be the most famous person in the world, I have to kill the most famous person in the world’.”. They found that immediately after a 10-minute presentation, listeners only remembered 50% of what was said. This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. Boxing and golf also have long histories, so Mohammad Ali, Tiger Woods, Arnold Palmer, and Jack Nicklaus seem like good contenders. Much world-class visual art is now in comic or graphic form; I think Matt Groening, Robert Crumb, and Stan Lee are solid contenders. What will you remember most from Chael Sonnen's career? In China, the emperor Qin Shi Huang secured his lasting memory with the Great Wall of China and the vast Terracotta Army he was buried with – not to mention that he founded an entire country. Writers: Unlike many of these areas, there is a solid history of writers being remembered. But those hoping to be remembered should tread carefully. With that level of courageousness and tenacity, you will be able to transform other people’s lives. Report this poem. Writers: Unlike many of these areas, there is a solid history of writers being remembered. Or how about the celebrity gladiator Spiculus, who roamed the amphitheatres of ancient Rome. It’s worked out for some, but it’s a deplorable and unreliable strategy. Political: Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama (history tells us that living presidents are remembered). It’s long and box-like, with a life-sized sculpture of a dog slumped at its foot. JUST WATCHED Remembering a Pandemic. Your legacy in this case would be a memory. Veterans like Meryl Streep, Clint Eastwood, Elizabeth Taylor, Jack Nicholson, Julie Andrews, Lauren Bacall, Robert DeNiro, and Robert Redford (equally for his support of independent film) have a good shot. How many living people will be remembered 100 years from now? We might have a hunch, sure. This was England’s first bare-knuckle fighting champion. At the time of his death the situation was very different. There’s the Greek poet Sappho, whose steamy verses titillated audiences for much of antiquity. “Royal familes are much more generational – after they die someone else comes along. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Shirley Temple (Black) has seemingly already been remembered for a hundred years. How you learned things you never knew about your loved one. “It’s one of those images which is really enduring.”, The most charismatic have been remembered, with a shudder, for generations. Of their own late loved ones, 41 per cent replied that their best memories of the deceased were their jokes, smiles and laughs. But you're probably pretty spectacular in some way, and definitely good enough in most areas of life. Actors: If films are still remembered, so too will their lead actors. We have new artistic mediums and scientific avenues for exploration. Thirty-six percent of respondents wanted to be remembered for their sense of humour, making it the most popular trait. Karl Marx. Sunday, March 18, 2012 Download image of this poem. If the next 30 years bring about as much change as the last 30 years have brought, who knows what may lie ahead? The internet and other technological advances are changing the way we live. I mean, Martin Cooper is credited as being the inventor of the cell phone, but could you have picked his name out of a list? I don’t think so,” he says. “There is a fantasy of the tyrant,” says Lynette Mitchell. He’s not known to have achieved anything particularly remarkable. But more widely I think it will be quite similar to the ancient world… it’s not going to be the wrestlers and pop stars who are remembered. In many … As people struggle to grasp black holes and string theory, even modern-day geniuses such as Stephen Hawking may be lost – though his life makes for a good story. Like Julius Caesar, he was a master of self-promotion, whose advanced propaganda machine included – among other things – a troupe of historians who accompanied him on campaigns. To stand the best chance of being remembered, it is perhaps best to choose a career in politics – but don’t try to copy your heroes from antiquity. “Will people remember the Queen in 1,000 years? Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. At first glance, being royal seems like a guarantee of immortality. Baseball has last much more than 100 years, and most fans have heard of Honus Wagner, Ty Cobb, and Cy Young. It will be the huge political figures, like Trump and Putin.”, Rojek is placing his bets on Nelson Mandela. - Sidney Poitier, on the topic of H ow I Want to be Remembered. Lynette Mitchell is placing her bets on Alan Turing, who invented the computer. Some early rock and roll pioneers, like Chuck Berry, were also discussed. ...LD HOW I WOULD LIKE TO BE REMEMBERED NAME: RAJA SITI FATIMAH BINTI RAJA ALI ID NUMBER: 2011401074 ENGLISH NAME: CATHERINE (pure) Since I was 4 years old, I love talking to myself in the mirror. “He has only just come back into memory in the last few years because good stories have been told about him,” she says. I may live for 70 or 80 years and never see all that I dream about. ), and yes even a few total strangers that might have crossed our paths quickly and briefly. Be Remembered is an online social network where you can record how you want to be remembered by family and friends – even after you leave this life. Awards (such as the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize) are an indicator but not a guarantee. From Caesar to Boudica, back then the best remembered rulers were renowned for their skill as warriors or military strategists. POETS. The strong fliers, the jays and the woodpeckers and the crows, cavorted like eagles.” ― Liz Braswell, Once Upon a Dream. Trump appointed more than 200 judges, including three new … There were many scientists and mathematicians who are clearly genius (Frederick Sanger, Andrew "I solved Fermat's Lost Theorem and inspired a musical" Wiles, and Hiroshi Ishiguro). His fame increases with every headline and documentary. The majority of people are … As I briefly mentioned in the first piece, I am missing many leaders from other nations. With modern technology it’s easier than ever to keep up your image. From Jack the Ripper and Captain Blackbeard, to Hitler and Ivan the Terrible, many of the best-known characters in history are infamous. It was popularised by the poetry of Homer – which has itself endured for thousands of years – and earned by taking great risks and making great sacrifices, especially in battle. Perhaps Henryk Gorecki? The performers of these songs are mostly long-forgotten. “David Beckham will disappear, I’m afraid.”. Many remember just a few I'm will be you and remember you are something to you. We all want to be remembered – fondly – 100 years from now. READ THIS POEM IN OTHER LANGUAGES. Back in antiquity, they weren’t particularly well known by the general public. We all want to leave behind a legacy. Bare-knuckle boxing match was huge in the Victorian era - but stars like Thomas Sayers were soon forgotten (Credit: Alamy). regularly list for what a person will be remembered. “I don’t think public intellectuals are likely to be remembered,” he says. Those not lucky enough to be born into power still have a decent chance of being remembered, especially if they focus on changing the world through their ideas. “There’s that fabulous perfume advert where you’ve got Charlize Theron alongside Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and Marlene Dietrich,” says Penfold-Mounce. One nice thing about compiling this list is that when it comes time to see if I was right or wrong, I'll be long gone. I stumbled across the U. K. Telegraph's list of top living geniuses. Steven Spielberg was a top choice of many people. Finally, you might want to try your hand at literature. Alexander the Great ruled the kingdom of Macedon from 336-323 BC, expanding it from mainland Greece and a scattering of Mediterranean islands to a global power that stretched all the way to northwest India. This strategy has continued well into the modern age, where it’s used by presidents and pop stars alike. Researchers once ran a test to measure how much of a presenter’s message sticks in the minds of their audience. Where do video games fit in? As mentioned, inspired by Dean Keith Simonton's Genius 101, I posed this question to my Critical Thinking class, my Facebook friends, and assorted friends and colleagues (including the brilliant Simonton himself). “At one point military leaders were undertaking wars with the specific purpose of getting glory,” says Lynette Mitchell, an expert in Ancient Greek History and Politics at the University of Exeter. One friend, upon reading a draft, pointed out most teenagers wouldn't know most of this list right now. Popular writers who will likely be remembered include Stephen King, Neil Simon, Ray Bradbury, and J. K. Rowling, whereas more literary possibilities include Maya Angelou, Philip Roth, Derek Walcott, Margaret Atwood, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Harold Pinter, Joyce Carol Oates, Toni Morrison, and Edward Albee. - … “Today celebrities like Bono are undergoing a degree of re-assessment,” says Chris Rojek, a sociologist at City, University of London. Similarly, most heads of states around the world, such as Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro, Tony Blair, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa, and, especially, Mikhail Gorbachev for his history-changing role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Everyone wants to be remembered, but the question is how they will accomplish such a feat? But Rojek isn’t convinced. When it was discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter and his patron Lord Carnarvon in 1922, it was full of fabulous riches beyond their wildest imaginations. Other professions to avoid include sport and music. Those from more recent history – such as Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln and Gandhi – are known for leading revolutions or advancing human rights. Songs popular in 1909 include "I'm Alabama Bound" (which you learn if you are a fifth grade student in Tuscaloosa, Alabama), "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now," and "By the Light of the Silvery Moon." What you do remember though is many of the stories that were shared with you about the deceased. I’m in the secluded western corner of London’s Highgate cemetery, looking at a large marble tomb. There are many examples of this phenomenon throughout the years. It doesn’t matter that it was all a fluke. Recognizing Factitious/Munchausen's Disorder by Proxy, The Best Way to Handle Someone Who Puts You Down. As a result of his teachings, today he’s widely recognised as one of the most influential Americans of all time – and the most published and translated author in the world to boot. As you might expect, some big names were more than a little preoccupied with the idea. Back in 2013 a team of scientists went on the hunt for the world’s most influential academic. Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky, James Watson (of "and Crick" fame), Richard Dawkins, J. Craig Venter (assuming he is correctly remembered as the main person behind the Human Genome Project), Albert Hoffman (think LSD), and Jane Goodall were also named, along with several psychologists. “The fact that marketing is much more involved in creating these figures means that the social criticism that surrounds them is far more entrenched than it used to be.”. As President Donald Trump's days in the White House are increasingly numbered, the conversation has begun to turn to one of legacy: How will history remember Trump's four years in office? Why do I do that? According to Rojek, this has led some to pursue fame the nasty way. Those looking for lasting fame could do worse. I may pray for things that never come to pass. The stone is mottled and tendrils of strangling ivy are creeping up its base. Hopeful contenders for everlasting fame must run the gauntlet of numerous challenges, including the jealousy of rivals and possible extinction of their own civilisation and language. If ever there were a time to stop beating yourself up for being human, it is now. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!' I may struggle against great difficulty for many years. I'm embarrassed to admit I hadn't heard of her; after Wiki'ing her, I agree. Legacy of joy in the midst of difficulty. Miscellaneous: Astronauts Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, and Sally Ride (and, perhaps, all astronauts) would qualify. There’s mountains of evidence that Jesus Christ, Siddhartha Gautama (known as the Buddha), and many more religious leaders were real people, though they died many millennia ago. One person proposed German chancellor Angela Merkel. The winner? Certainly, a mighty high percentage of people devote countless hours to the products of Will "The Sims" Wright, Shigeru "Everything Else" Miyamoto, and others. After our light fades, how we’ll ultimately be remembered is anyone’s guess. Depends on your legacy. Amber Glistener. Music (as composers): I think that the Beatles (and, therefore, Paul McCartney and to a lesser extent Ringo Starr) will be remembered as songwriters (as well as performers); indeed, I think they are among the surest non-world leader bets on this list. “In a funny way, in academia you can be sure that you will be remembered within a very small group. But Tutankhamun died suddenly and they ran out of time. I may trust God for things that do not appear. Hopeful contenders for everlasting fame must run the gauntlet of numerous challenges, including the jealousy of rivals and possible extinction of their own civilisation and language. Science: Bill Gates dominated the suggestions (across all categories). Indeed, I wonder if most innovations involving computers, the internet, and technology will someday be misattributed to him. Other U.S. political leaders nominated include Hillary Clinton and Al Gore; others suggested human rights activists such as Elie Wiesel. Luckily his executors kept it anyway and it’s considered one of the great epics of his time. “Even [the Greek historian] Herodotus occasionally says ‘he did something so terrible, I’m not going to mention his name’ – there was this idea that you shouldn’t talk about bad deeds,” says Harrison. Steve Jobs is another likely bet (although, as one person pointed out, he would be better remembered if his name were Steve Apple; Jobs himself may end up a footnote). Drop your weapons and focus on a good cause. It's not like predicting this year's World Series winner. Paris Hilton, Miley … “Today celebrities like Bono are undergoing a degree of re-assessment,” says Chris Rojek, a sociologist at City, University of London. “I think everlasting figures catch the spirit of the time and somehow express it and act as the public face of it. Homer’s hero Achilles, who died after being shot in the heel, is the archetypal example. I know that with the exception of Glass, the nominees are pretty mainstream - but try Googling "most influential living composer" and see how many names are familiar! I also would select architects I. M. Pei and Frank Gehry, and perhaps chess wizard Garry Kasparov. I introduced this question in my previous post, and intend to actually deliver the goods now. How will you be remembered? ), careers (customers, fellow workers, bosses etc. More broadly, however, I am curious to see how the standards for posthumous eminence have changed. Of all the most famous people through antiquity, very few of them made it to their 40th birthday. This is one question that many rack their brains for the answer to. I'm also shoehorning dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov and choreographer Twyla Tharp in this category for no apparent reason. Judicial leaders such as Sandra Day O'Connor (and, perhaps, all living Supreme Court justices) are sure bets. Throughout much of history, dying young or dramatically – think Cleopatra clutching an asp to her breast – was a crucial tenet of being remembered. They occupied a rarefied world and those deemed to be atheists were seen as suspect and weird. If you never made a huge impact on society, science or whatever, you will be remembered at least as long as the people you know right now are still alive. An inscription reads “Erected to the memory of Thomas Sayers”. Even the Prime Minister of the day, Lord Palmerston attended; Parliament shortened its hours especially and Queen Victoria asked to be informed of the result. Others suggested folks like Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Elton John, and Mick Jagger; I'm personally less convinced by Jagger and think the others will need to continue being legendary. We shake our heads blankly. By Mallory Gafas, CNN. When we think of ancient Egypt, we think Tutankhamun. I refer not to Charlie Sheen, but rather Oprah Winfrey. How do you remain remembered for generations? In fact, leaving any kind of physical legacy is extremely helpful. How many living "geniuses" will still be recognized as such by our great grandchildren? One huge exception is a humanitarian, activist, and one of the most influential Americans alive. Go on, give people something to marvel over. One hundred and fifty two years on, his reputation has turned to dust. Instead he was hastily interred in a small tomb in a relatively obscure part of the Valley of the Kings. Information that you add to the site is entrusted to a Guardian to unlock and distribute after you die, so that your loved ones and future generations can learn more about you. My one rule is that all contenders must be alive (a recent poll for the greatest living New Zealander elected Edmund Hillary, even though he had been dead for almost two years at the time). Business: I am much less confident of these entries, but the suggestions of Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Hugh Hefner, Rupert Murdoch, and Ted Turner do have some merit. Most list a love for family, and many include hobbies, interests, and positions or offices held. Early Pulitzers went to Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, and Thornton Wilder (all remembered to some extent) - and also Ernest Poole, Louis Bromfield, and Julia Peterkin. The bulk of this discussion will fall under performance. Have you taken the time to think about your legacy? They scoured the internet for those who were mentioned the most frequently and performed a complex analysis. Listen to How Many Will Be Remembered by Shirley Caesar, 70 Shazams. Nelson Mandela (along with Carter and others) will be remembered as both a leader and a human rights activist. At the centre of it all was the concept of kleos, which roughly translates as “what others hear about you”. But there are some clues hidden in the life stories of those who succeeded and those who were lost along the way. “There are some cases where there’s only one surviving copy, and Latin literature would look very different if that had perished.” He gives the example of Virgil, the Roman poet who – after 11 years working on one text – ordered that it be destroyed on his deathbed. Many different individuals are promoted as the true "parent of the internet," such as Tim Berners-Lee or Vint Cerf, but no one person is held in enough agreement to be likely remembered this way. James C. Kaufman, Ph.D., is a creativity researcher and Professor of Educational Psychology at the Neag School of Education at the University of Connecticut. “They were kind of writing the history of his campaign as it was happening,” says Harrison. Who will be remembered 100 years hence? Like ideas, great stories simply never die. The Mind-Mouth Connection: Say "Happy," Be Happy? Other composers include Philip Glass, Stephen Sondheim, and Andrew Lloyd Webber, as well as Bob Dylan (other singer-songwriters will be discussed as performers). Many pointed to Trump's legacy in federal law, which they said will be felt for decades to come. Finding fame gets harder to achieve without original ideas, but it is still possible to come up with revolutionary thought experiments. And there is no greater thing you can do than to die to self everyday in earnest pursuit of God. For Penfold-Mounce, it’s Donald Trump. "If I'm remembered for having done a few good things, and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, that's plenty." In addition, I want to clarify that by "remembered," I don't mean "remembered by everyone" or "on everyone's mind." If you’ve made art, you can live forever through your … Just a few I salute you. Historians will remember Trump as an aspiring dictator who failed because he was too dumb to understand COVID-19 By Matthew Rozsa January 23, 2021 11:00AM (UTC) Many of the discussions focused on how much of science these days is created in groups (see Simonton's 2004 book Creativity in Science for more). Alexander the Great ensured every coin and statue of him had the same likeness (Credit: Alamy). Indeed, as Da Vinci, Galileo and Isaac Newton inch towards a millennium of fame, with Darwin and Einstein clocking up centuries of renown, it might be tempting to opt for a life in the laboratory. ), where we lived (neighbors, friends, acquaintances etc. Television: Generally speaking, I doubt television stars will remain the public consciousness. Its location and size had kept them safely hidden away, while all the tombs around it were being plundered by looters. I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts, Hello Internet, and they were talking about how long people are remembered. 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