library of congress photos

View All, Panoramic Photographs View All, Case Books View All, Highsmith (Carol M.) Archive Includes several dozen drawings from the 15th to 18th centuries, as well as drawings by James McNeill Whistler and many by Joseph Pennell. Date:1899 - 1900 Some | Explore Library of Congress Life's 970 photos on Flickr! Date:1860 - 1865 Whether you are a professional photographer or just someone capturing pictures for fun with your cell phone camera, the Library of Congress would like to see your photos. View All, Cartoon Prints, American Photographic survey of the Russian Empire, showing people, religious architecture, historic sites, industry and agriculture, public works construction, water and railway transportation routes, villages and cities. Close to 700 ambrotype and tintype photographs highlight both Union and Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War. 9 months in service. Subject and genre terms used in many Prints & Photographs Division records, along with cross-references. | Primarily eyewitness sketches of Civil War scenes and events, including military personnel, battles, civilian activities, and landscapes. Date:1862 - 1867 No Most Consists primarily of photos in the Johnston collection for which copy photos have been produced. View All, World's Transportation Commission The library is housed in three buildings on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.; it also maintains a conservation center in Culpeper, Virginia. jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress images are digitized. Photos assembled by Herbert French, who supplied photographs of news events in Washington, D.C., to subscribers. jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress Posters produced by various branches of the WPA (Work Projects Administration) to publicize exhibits, community activities, theatrical productions, and health and educational programs in seventeen states and the District of Columbia. A representative sample of original drawings by Herbert L. Block ("Herblock"), an editorial cartoonist who worked primarily at the Washington Post. (About 175,000 photographs: about 171,000 negatives (includes all FSA, OWI, and OEM negatives: LC-USF33; LC-USF34; LC-USW3; LC-USE6) and some photographic prints.) Some Pictorial materials are found in many units of the Library of Congress. images are digitized. All These collections are: Bain Collection; Brady-Handy Collection | View All, Guide Records (About 25,600 negatives.) Photos produced and gathered by Frank and Frances Carpenter to illustrate popular writings on world geography. Date:1600 - 1989 | All Photos documenting rural and urban conditions and lifestyles in the U.S. and its territories; a few in Canada. (About 250 color slides and 50 b&w prints.) | images are digitized. 175 posters); and Magic Poster Collection (ca. View All, Posters: Artist Posters All Date:1951 - 1971 | images are digitized. jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress Date:1885 - 1930 jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress | Most No View All, Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record/Historic American Landscapes Survey | images are digitized. (120 records) images are digitized. images are digitized. American Colony (Jerusalem). Prints and Photographs Division 913,507 Library of Congress Online Catalog 827,777 American Memory 319,234 (About 3,100 posters selected from the Artist Poster filing series; records being added.) (More than 7,100 photographs.) jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress | Pictures by avmedved 1 / 16 United States Library of Congress. All Consists of photos in the Carpenter collection for which copy photos have been produced. library of congress, capitol hill, washington dc - library of congress building stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images View of the exterior of the main building … Some Most jpegs/tiffs display outside Library of Congress View All, College Women's Association of Japan Print Show Collection | images are digitized. | | Please add tags and comments, too! 3.900 records.) Experienced workers train young girls in the high school Victory Corps to become valuable members of the vast womanpower army. (About 4,000 drawings and prints.) Some Views of participants, landscapes and equipment.

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