algae biofuel journal

Interestingly, the effect of ACCase overexpression in potato tubers, a tissue that normally is very starch rich and lipid poor, resulted in a 5-fold increase in TAG content (from 0.0116 to 0.0580 mg g−1 fresh weight). [1] In addition to what has been accomplished with higher plants, successful modifications have also been achieved with bacteria and yeast to increase and/or modify their lipid content. The metabolites and simplified representative pathways in microalgal starch metabolism are shown in black, and enzymes are shown in red. As a fuel, ethanol has a lower energy density than gasoline and poor storage properties. Algal starches have been shown to be fermentable by yeast (129), but an approach to directly couple ethanol production to photosynthetic carbon fixation in situ may be preferred. Since the topic of microalgal sexual breeding is beyond the scope of this review, we will instead focus on genetic engineering approaches that could be utilized in the industry's efforts to improve microalgae as a source of biofuels. Plastidial starch degradation is stimulated by phosphorylation of glucose residues at the root of amylopectin by glucan-water dikinases (GWD). Molecules that could potentially work as gasoline substitutes, including isopentenol, have been produced by E. coli using isoprenoid biosynthesis pathways. Single mutants of ACX3 or ACX4 have normal lipid breakdown and seedling development, while double mutants are nonviable, putatively due to complete elimination of short-chain acyl-CoA oxidase activity (159). Recent advances in genetics have pioneered research into designer fuels and sources such as algae have … This interesting result suggests that genes involved in TAG assembly are of importance for total seed oil production. Mutant considerations.Mutants that synthesize less starch or have a reduced capacity to degrade starch often have reduced growth rates (175). Solubilization, partial purification, and characterization of a fatty aldehyde decarbonylase from a higher plant, A look back at the US Department of Energy's Aquatic Species Program—biodiesel from algae, Increased resistance to oxidative stress in transgenic plants by targeting mannitol biosynthesis to chloroplasts, Regulation and function of ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes, Directed evolution of acyl-CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase: development and characterization of, Prospects for increasing starch and sucrose yields for bioethanol production, Regulation of the amount of starch in plant tissues by ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase, How oxygen attacks [FeFe] hydrogenases from photosynthetic organisms, Isolation and characterization of a novel antistress gene from, Functional complementation of a nitrate reductase defective mutant of a green alga, Molecular characterization of glutathione peroxidase-like protein in halotolerant, Establishment of a micro-particle bombardment transformation system for, Stress protection of transgenic tobacco by production of the osmolyte mannitol, Field testing of transgenic rapeseed cv. This review is focused on potential avenues of genetic engineering that may be undertaken in order to improve microalgae as a biofuel platform for the production of biohydrogen, starch-derived alcohols, diesel fuel surrogates, and/or alkanes. Even though many of the genes that are involved in secretion have been identified, the exact mechanisms are generally not known. 2. When made from seaweed (macroalgae) it can be … With cyanobacteria, the creation of a pathway for ethanol biosynthesis has been demonstrated, with the insertion of pyruvate decarboxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase from the ethanologenic bacterium Z. mobilis (34, 40). With more research, it should become clear whether the current approach can be successfully applied to increase biomass production. and Lee et al., see references 53 and 98, respectively). The objective of this review article was to critically describe various aspects of algae as an ideal target for biofuel productions. ASM journals are the most prominent publications in the field, delivering up-to-date and authoritative coverage of both basic and clinical microbiology. It will be interesting to see how overexpression of lipid synthesis pathway genes will affect microalgal proliferation. By increasing the genetic expressions, we can find the ways to achieve the required biofuel amounts easily and continuously to overcome the fuels deficiency. A variety of transformation methods have been used to transfer DNA into microalgal cells, including agitation in the presence of glass beads or silicon carbide whiskers (44, 87, 119), electroporation (21, 22, 26, 108, 170, 181, 184), biolistic microparticle bombardment (2, 45, 49, 51, 52, 81, 83, 88, 183, 187, 210, 211), and Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer (23, 93). CPP201. The chosen system to continue the design process is of a controlled brackish water process plant. The antistress properties of these genes isolated from bacteria as well as a marine stress-tolerant microalga (Chlamydomonas sp. In addition, there are several completed and ongoing efforts to sequence plastid and mitochondrial genomes, as well as dynamic transcriptomes from many different microalgae (4, 9, 29, 66, 73, 101, 105, 130, 133, 149, 161, 169, 171, 196, 198). Microalgae are considered great model organisms to study photosynthetic efficiency, and several attempts have been made to improve the photosynthetic efficiency and/or reduce the effects of photoinhibition on microalgal growth. What is perhaps a more straightforward approach to enabling secretion of lipids from microalgae is the use of ABC transporters. Production Challenges 7. Hydrogen metabolism has been studied extensively with C. reinhardtii (61, 68, 72), resulting in significant advances in both our fundamental understanding of H2 metabolism in this organism (43, 110, 143) and in improvements in overall H2 yields (90, 91, 114). This approach may seem counterintuitive, but this strategy may have two positive effects; first, it permits higher light penetration in high-density cultures, and second, it can allow a higher maximum rate of photosynthesis due to the fact that the cells are less likely to be subjected to photoinhibition since their light-harvesting complexes absorb less light (for an excellent review of the subject by Melis, see reference 113). In Heterokontophyta, Phaeophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae, water-soluble granules of laminarin and chrysolaminarin are synthesized, which are made up of β-1,3 linkages with branching at the C-2 and C-6 positions of glucose (74). Ohlrogge and Jaworski have proposed that the fatty acid supply helps determine the regulation of oil synthesis (134); therefore, some efforts have been made to increase the expression of enzymes that are involved in the pathways of fatty acid synthesis. While wax transporters have not been shown to export products that are derived from medium-chain fatty acids, it would perhaps be possible to use random mutagenesis or directed evolution to generate mutant ABC transporters that have the ability to secrete short- and medium-chain fatty acids. Glucans are added to the water soluble polysaccharide (WSP) by α-1,4 glycosidic linkages (WSP1) until a branching enzyme highly branches the ends (WSP2). Experiments with small- and large-scale microalgal photobioreactors and molecular research in photosynthetic efficiency have revealed several factors that can limit biomass accumulation. Understanding microalgal lipid metabolism is of great interest for the ultimate production of diesel fuel surrogates. Most of these come from the manipulation of E. coli, in which the overexpression and deletion of entire metabolic pathways are feasible. In microalgae, isoprenoids are synthesized via the methylerythritol (MEP) pathway using glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate and pyruvate to generate the basic building blocks of isoprenoid biosynthesis, isopentyl diphosphate (IPP), and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). Many genes have been identified that are important for withstanding stress conditions. Therefore, it is probable that at least some of the transgenic strategies that have been used to modify the lipid content in higher plants will also be effective with microalgae. One interesting characteristic of ABC transporters is their promiscuous gating properties. One early committing step in fatty acid synthesis is the conversion of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) to malonyl-CoA, catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase), which is considered the first committed step in fatty acid biosynthesis in many organisms. Significant advances in microalgal genomics have been achieved during the last decade. CP215. The U.S. Department of Energy's Aquatic Species Program analyzed approximately 3,000 different microalgae for their potential to produce biofuels, and numerous additional species have subsequently been investigated (165). In such a case, overexpression of lipid synthesis genes may still be beneficial if they can be controlled by an inducible promoter that can be activated once the microalgal cells have grown to a high density and have entered stationary phase. In combination with physiological and biochemical approaches, these studies have rapidly advanced our understanding of H2 metabolism and enzyme maturation (13, 145) in green microalgae, and numerous strategies are emerging to further advance our ability to optimize H2 production in eukaryotic phototrophs. Depending on the design of the cultivation facilities, it is possible to control these factors to a certain degree through engineering and manipulation of the growth environment, but these manipulations add to the cost of growing microalgae. Enter multiple addresses on separate lines or separate them with commas. Some of the 2-keto acid intermediates, such as 2-ketobutyrate, are conserved in microalgae, and it is therefore reasonable to believe that a similar approach to production of alcohols in algae is possible. Also, algae fuels are an alternative to commonly known biofuel sources, such as corn and sugarcane. The C-3 position in the glucan can also be phosphorylated by the phosphoglucan water dikinases (PWD), and both of these phosphorylations are thought to help disrupt the crystalline structure of the starch granules to allow glucan-metabolizing enzymes access (212). Similarly, a 14:0-biased thioesterase from Cinnamomum camphorum was expressed in A. thaliana and E. coli, greatly increasing the production of myristic acid (208). Isopropanol and butanol are naturally produced by bacteria of the genus Clostridium, and production has been industrialized using Clostridium acetobutylicum. Lipid biosynthesis.In recent years, many of the genes involved in lipid synthesis have been subjected to both knockout and overexpression in order to clarify their importance in lipid accumulation and to establish strategies to increase the lipid content in the oleaginous seeds of higher plants, such as Arabidopsis thaliana, soy bean (Glycine max), and rapeseed (Brassica napus). Transgenic overexpression of an 8:0- and 10:0-biased thioesterase from C. hookeriana in canola has had some success in increasing the production of short chain fatty acids (32). It is believed that among the most costly downstream processing steps in fuel production using microalgal feedstocks are the harvesting/dewatering steps and the extraction of fuel precursors from the biomass. 2’ 57.19; W117 By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. For example, overexpression of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, or diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DAGAT) all result in significant increases in plant lipid production (79, 80, 96, 186, 215, 218). and Symbiodinium microadriaticum (119). These include the secretion of TAG-containing very-low-density lipid (VLDL) vesicles from hepatocytes, TAG-containing vesicles from mammary glands, and the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter-mediated export of plant waxes, which consist of many types of hydrocarbons. An alga to biofuel process plant is a technology that stems from the basic formation of the growth of algae to biomass production and to refined products. These include developing low-energy methods to harvest microalgal cells, difficulties in consistently producing biomass at a large scale in highly variable outdoor conditions, the presence of invasive species in large-scale ponds, low light penetrance in dense microalgal cultures, the lack of cost-effective bioenergy carrier extraction techniques, and the potentially poor cold flow properties of most microalga-derived biodiesel. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. However, tools are now also being rapidly developed for diatoms and other algae that are of greater interest for industrial applications. Molecular characterization of the CER1 gene of, Stable nuclear transformation of the diatom, In vivo characterization of diatom multipartite plastid targeting signals, Lateral gene transfer and the evolution of plastid-targeted proteins in the secondary plastid-containing alga, Identification of a new gene family expressed during the onset of sexual reproduction in the centric diatom, Non-fermentative pathways for synthesis of branched-chain higher alcohols as biofuels, Dinoflagellate expressed sequence tag data indicate massive transfer of chloroplast genes to the nuclear genome, Improvement of light to biomass conversion by de-regulation of light-harvesting protein translation in, Characterization of an autonomously activated plant ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, Diversification of the core RNA interference machinery in, Alterations in growth, photosynthesis, and respiration in a starchless mutant of, A eubacterial gene conferring spectinomycin resistance on, Alkane biosynthesis by decarbonylation of aldehydes catalyzed by a particulate preparation from, Conditional production of a functional fish growth hormone in the transgenic line of, Highly efficient expression of rabbit neutrophil peptide-1 gene in, Experimental studies on sexual reproduction in diatoms, In search of new tractable diatoms for experimental biology, Molecular dynamics and experimental investigation of H(2) and O(2) diffusion in [Fe]-hydrogenase, Microbial production of advanced transportation fuels in non-natural hosts, Characterisation of complementary DNAs from the expressed sequence tag analysis of life cycle stages of, Production of high levels of 8:0 and 10:0 fatty acids in transgenic canola by overexpression of Ch FatB 2, a thioesterase cDNA from, Overexpression of 3-ketoacyl-acyl-carrier protein synthase IIIs in plants reduces the rate of lipid synthesis, Ethanol synthesis by genetic engineering in cyanobacteria, A cobalt-porphyrin enzyme converts a fatty aldehyde to a hydrocarbon and CO, Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote, The relocation of starch metabolism to chloroplasts: when, why and how, Nature of the periplastidial pathway of starch synthesis in the cryptophyte, Metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria for ethanol production, Aquatic phototrophs: efficient alternatives to land-based crops for biofuels, Flexibility in anaerobic metabolism as revealed in a mutant of, Sucrose metabolism in green algae I. In contrast to corn-based ethanol or soy/palm-based biodiesel, biofuels derived from microalgal feedstocks will not directly compete with the resources necessary for agricultural food production if inorganic constituents can be recycled and saltwater-based cultivation systems are developed. The major expenditure of a current algae biofuel technology depends on algae cultivation system, harvesting, and lipid extraction methods. Algae biofuels, a form of renewable energy that converts sea-growing algae into liquid fuel, have been intensely studied since the oil crisis of the 1970s. The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all the biofuel-related areas of biodiesel, bioethanol, biobuthanol, biogas, biomass, algae, bioreactions, bioreactors, membrane-bioreactors, fermentation, biorefinery (e.g., membrane separation technology), bioprocess, applied microbiology, combustion, and bioresource technologies associated with conversion or production of biofuel. The production of any biofuel is dependent on the efficiency of the metabolic pathways that lead to accumulation of storage compounds, such as lipids and starch, as well as on the ability of microalgae to rapidly produce large amounts of biomass. 2. Mannitol, arabinose, glutamic acid, proline, glycerol, lysine, aspartic acid, and various polysaccharides have been reported to be secreted (71). Due to the ease of genetic engineering with Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, these modifications include quite comprehensive modulations of entire metabolic pathways, with the simultaneous overexpression or deletion of several key enzymes. This pathway produces ethanol during photoautotrophic growth and could be incorporated into algae; however, these enzymes are not optimized for performance in oxic conditions and may need to be configured for eukaryotic systems. In contrast to these previous efforts, we are now equipped with a wide variety of new genetic tools, genome sequences, and high-throughput analytical techniques that will allow scientists to analyze and manipulate metabolic pathways with unprecedented precision. Among which microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms that can achieve high oil contents. Peer review under responsibility of Institut Pertanian Bogor. Algae … Other stress factors.High light is not the only environmental variable that can cause stress and inhibit microalgal growth. Photosynthetic algae, both microalgae and macroalgae (i.e., seaweeds), have been of considerable interest as a possible biofuel resource for decades (165). Heterokontophytes that have reportedly been transformed include Nannochloropsis oculata (21); diatoms such as T. pseudonana (147), P. tricornutum (2, 210, 211), Navicula saprophila (45), Cylindrotheca fusiformis (52, 148), Cyclotella cryptica (45), and Thalassiosira weissflogii (51); and phaeophytes, such as Laminaria japonica (150) and Undaria pinnatifada (151). 277–286, 2010. The [FeFe] hydrogenases in many green microalgae are able to effectively couple to the photosynthetic electron transport chain at the level of ferredoxin, providing the means to generate H2 directly from water oxidation. Keeping in mind the specifications and possible advantages related to their taxonomy, algae can serve as a promising source to reduce fossil fuel consumption. Copyright © 2021 American Society for Microbiology | Privacy Policy | Website feedback, Print ISSN: 1535-9778; Online ISSN: 1535-9786, Genetic Engineering of Algae for Enhanced Biofuel Production. Every production step that can be transferred to biological pathways will likely improve the overall economics. Overexpression of these genes in hepatocytes that already have the capacity to secrete VLDL results in increased secretion; however, it is not known which genes would be needed to enable VLDL secretion from cell types that do not normally secrete VLDL. Some progress in homologous recombination has been made with the nuclear genome of C. reinhardtii, but the efficiency remains low (217). Biofuel Research Journal 21 (201 9) 920-926. Many eukaryotic microalgae and cyanobacteria have evolved in ecosystems that become depleted of O2, especially during the night, and diverse fermentation metabolisms that can be leveraged in renewable bioenergy strategies are present in these organisms (64, 118, 125). S. A. Scott, M. P. Davey, J. S. Dennis et al., “Biodiesel from algae: challenges and prospects,” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. G3PDH catalyzes the formation of glycerol-3-phosphate, which is needed for TAG formation. But certainly their outlook is promising, and both the developed nations and the emerging economies are interested in algal fuels . These phosphorylation steps are critical for starch degradation and are excellent gene knockout targets for a starch accumulation phenotype in microalgae. Considering the food problems, algae gain the most attention to be used as biofuel producers. In green algae, starch is synthesized and stored within the chloroplast, while it is stored in the cytoplasm in Dinophyta, Glaucophyta, and Rhodophyta and in the periplastidial space in Cryptophyceae (38, 39). However, the introduction of metabolic pathways for the direct production of fuels faces many challenges. Genes involved in the activation of both TAG and free fatty acids, as well as genes directly involved in β-oxidation of fatty acids, have been inactivated, sometimes resulting in increased cellular lipid content. To improve the rates of secretion and to allow for the secretion of other types of bioenergy carriers, it could be beneficial to investigate some of the efficient mechanisms that exist for the secretion of fatty acids and related compounds in other organisms, which could be transferred to microalgae. Algae fuel or algal biofuel is another form of fossil fuel that uses microalgae as its source of natural deposits [36 1. The carbon chain length and degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids in each microalgal species can affect the cold flow and oxidative stability properties of a biodiesel fuel which is derived from this feedstock. Many microalgae have fermentative metabolic pathways to ethanol, but to couple ethanol production to photoautotrophic metabolism will require changes in regulatory pathways or the insertion of new metabolic pathways. It is possible that any manipulation that allows yeast cells to accumulate high levels of intracellular free fatty acids will result in secretion of free fatty acids, and it may be possible to reproduce this kind of secretion in microalgae. The estimates produced for the purposes of this report show that up to 447 TJ of energy might be generated from macroalgae by 2020. This is about 0.2% of current national road-fuel demands. Fatty acids of even shorter chain lengths can also be used for production of gasoline and jet fuel. Several species have biomass production rates that can surpass those of terrestrial plants (41), and many eukaryotic microalgae have the ability to store significant amounts of energy-rich compounds, such as triacylglycerol (TAG) and starch, that can be utilized for the production of several distinct biofuels, including biodiesel and ethanol. The only euglenid that has been transformed to date is Euglena gracilis (42). While increasing the expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis has had small successes, with regard to increasing the total amount of seed oils, some interesting results have been achieved through the overexpression of genes involved in TAG assembly. However, several attempts to utilize ACCase overexpression to increase lipid content in various systems have been somewhat disappointing. Relative to cyanobacteria, eukaryotic microalgae possess several unique metabolic attributes of relevance to biofuel production, including the accumulation of significant quantities of triacylglycerol; the synthesis of storage starch (amylopectin and amylose), which is similar to that found in higher plants; and the ability to efficiently couple photosynthetic electron transport to H2 production. The alkanes that are generated by these putative decarbonylases all have very-long-chain lengths (>22 carbons) and will require further processing for fuel production. Therefore, even modest improvements in photon conversion efficiencies will dramatically reduce the land area and cost required to produce biofuels. Polysaccharides are often found surrounding the pyrenoid in microalgae, likely because it is a source of 3-PGA (10). Interestingly, a suggested decarbonylase enzyme involved in alkane production has been studied with the green microalga B. braunii, which has the ability to produce very-long-chain alkanes (35). Promising advances in metabolic engineering allow for not only the increased production of endogenous carbon storage compounds, such as TAGs and starch, but also the direct production, and perhaps secretion, of designer hydrocarbons that may be used directly as fuels. 2 for a simplified overview of lipid biosynthesis pathways. Since then, most fossil fuel companies have pursued algae biofuel research ventures, fiddling with production processes to make these sea vegetables a viable alternative energy. In summary, lipid secretion is an attractive alternative to harvesting algal biomass that could potentially lower the cost of producing microalga-derived biofuels. 3, pp. Although the application of genetic engineering to improve energy production phenotypes in eukaryotic microalgae is in its infancy, significant advances in the development of genetic manipulation tools have recently been achieved with microalgal model systems and are being used to manipulate central carbon metabolism in these organisms. For example, Cer5/AtWBC12 facilitates the export of very-long-chain aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, alkanes, and perhaps fatty acids (140). Wang et al. See Fig. 3 for an overview of starch metabolism) is the ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase)-catalyzed reaction of glucose 1-phosphate with ATP, resulting in ADP-glucose and pyrophosphate (176). 21, no. This protein facilitates bidirectional diffusion and could be leveraged to export maltose out of the cell. Of particular interest in this study is the substantial increase in free fatty acid production that was due to the expression of the two thioesterases. NOTE: We request your email address only to inform the recipient that it was you who recommended this article, and that it is not junk mail. Strains of B. braunii differ in which long-chain hydrocarbons are synthesized, with strain A producing very-long-chain dienes and trienes, while strain B produces very-long-chain triterpenoid hydrocarbons (117). Some of the unique characteristics of algal fuels are as follows: they can be grown with negligible impact on fresh water resources [37 1. With the progress in the modern technology, reaching an effective production process will be possible, and this will help the algal biofuels to prove their maturity as a sustainable source for future. A further increase in production was achieved through the expression of the entire pathway from a single plasmid, resulting in production of 1.2 g/liter 1-butanol (78). Inhibiting lipid catabolism may also cause problems with proliferation and biomass productivity since microalgae often rely on catabolic pathways to provide energy and precursors for cell division. The phyla Chlorophyta, Dinophyta, Glaucophyta, and Rhodophyta store glucans in linear α-1,4 and branched α-1,6 glycosidic linkages (10). Therefore, it would be of great benefit to develop genetic strategies to increase the cellular tolerance to a variety of stress factors. Despite a 2- or 3-fold increase in ACCase activity, no increased lipid production could be observed (165). For example, a glucosyltransferase from a bacterium converting maltose to trehalose (131) could be expressed as a potential strategy to increase total sugar content. Algae fuel, algal biofuel, or algal oil is an alternative to liquid fossil fuels that uses algae as its source of energy-rich oils. Unfortunately, neither the genes involved nor the mechanism has been described (132). Algae are living organisms that have recently been considered a possible solution to our on-going energy crisis. Historically, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been the focus of most molecular and genetic phycological research. Expression of a 12:0-biased thioesterase from Umbellularia californica in both A. thaliana and E. coli drastically changed the lipid profiles in these organisms, with a great increase in the production of lauric acid (193, 194). Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation 3 (2013) ... A higher area efficiency of algae biofuels production routes compared to other biofuel production routes was shown. Microalgae are especially attractive as a source of fuel from an environmental standpoint because they consume carbon dioxide and can be grown on marginal land, using waste or salt water (41). Both the quantity and the quality of diesel precursors from a specific strain are closely linked to how lipid metabolism is controlled. Hydrogenases are classified according to the metal ions at their active sites, and the [NiFe] and [FeFe] hydrogenases are capable of the reversible reduction of protons to H2. Interest in a variety of renewable biofuels has been rejuvenated due to the instability of petroleum fuel costs, the reality of peak oil in the near future, a reliance on unstable foreign petroleum resources, and the dangers of increasing atmospheric CO2 levels. Potential Yields 6. The lipid catabolism genes that have been implicated in fatty acid secretion in S. cerevisiae include acyl-CoA oxidase and several acyl-CoA synthetases (see below). An interesting example is the in vivo conversion of fatty acids to fuel by the simultaneous overexpression of the ethanol production genes from Zymomonas mobilis and the wax ester synthase/acyl-CoA-diacylglycerol acyltransferase (WS/DGAT) gene from the Acinetobacter baylyi strain ADP1 in E. coli, which resulted in the synthesis of fatty acid ethyl esters that could be used directly as biodiesel (86). Direct biological synthesis of fuels.There are many examples of established pathways for amino acid synthesis was! Sustainable biofuels in the random integration of transgenes and gene knockdown have been shown to have elevated polyunsaturated fatty esters! Production from algae is defined to include cyanobacteria, microalgae, likely because it is biofuel. Sunlight can exceed 2,000 μmol photons m−2 s−1 during midday ( 113 ) targets a. Lines or separate them with commas up-to-date and authoritative coverage of both basic and clinical Microbiology shown... 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