summarize the three main approaches to explaining political action

Interests- Interests are the objectives of various stakeholders in politics. 74, 188–192, 209). The first linked environmental political theory with leading accounts of deliberative democracy; the second developed a theory they call ‘juristic democracy’, which locates the legitimacy of international environmental law in citizen deliberation rather than agreements among nation states. This article is a general introduction to the most important Presocratic philosophers and the main themes of Presocratic thought. (More accurately, he used the term Lebensführung: what is the meaning of political action in the context of a whole conduct of life, a theme we will return to in the next section). Meyer thus draws on Michael Walzer’s account of the ‘connected critic’ to argue that environmental social criticism can and should criticize everyday environmental practices from the inside. Indeed, recent studies show a decline in driving, which Meyer sees as ‘a shift in practice to be enabled and built upon in ways large and small’ (p. 138). The participants are selected to represent a cross-section of the local population, and organizers often portray their deliberations as representing the public’s genuine will and opinion. Do citizens who exercise their ‘capacity to object’ to Holland’s proposal, once it is enshrined in law, have any real possibility to alter or abolish it? There are three main approaches to political action as discussed bellow. Donec aliquet

By highlighting the close relation between environmental conditions and people’s effective opportunities for living fulfilling lives, Holland shows how environmental risks often have disproportionate impacts on poor and minority communities and people with disabling conditions such as asthma (pp. The first section of the book consists of theoretical chapters on liberalism, materiality, and the relation of private and public. Parties will be responsive to changes in public opinion, and may be reluctant to commit themselves too strongly to a particular policy, in case public opinion changes. First, while often portrayed as elements of ‘participatory democracy’, citizen juries involve an extremely small number of citizens, and once the jury is selected, non-participants have no option of becoming involved. But those who share Sen’s skepticism toward ideal theory are likely to have some questions about Holland’s approach. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. It converts the goal or plan into a people process. The culture of automobility affects people very differently, depending on their socio-economic resources. even the honest intention of the other party so looked at with suspicion. 104, 139, 171, 191), but does appealing to principles of justice provide any more of a guarantee? Third, Holland argues that capabilities theory currently lacks an effective way to cope with ‘capability conflicts’, situations in which a policy pushes some people’s capabilities above the threshold level that justice requires, while simultaneously pushing other people’s capabilities below that threshold (p. 136). Holland rightly asserts that democratic procedures cannot ‘guarantee’ or ‘ensure’ substantively just outcomes (pp. Contemporary Political Theory With its underpinnings of collaboration, inclusiveness, and empowerment, a participatory approach embodies the ideals that form the foundations of most grass roots and … Even here, however, CPOs were observed to spend on average only 17 percent of their time on problem solving, 4 percent attending community meetings, and 2 percent on casual chats with the public--leaving more than three-fourths of their EXPLAINING POLICE BEHAVIOR: ORGANIZATIONS AND CONTEXT 179 work time to other, noncommunity policing activities. They were recognized in antiquity as the first philosophers and scientists of the Western tradition. They note empirical evidence suggesting that problems of bias and polarization can be countered by selecting a diverse group of participants and engaging a trained facilitator to help ensure that everyone has a chance to both speak and be heard. Political action definition is - action designed to attain a purpose by the use of political power or by activity in political channels; specifically : such action by organized labor through recognized political means (as participation in party organization, in elections, and by lobbying) —contrasted with direct action. Indeed, the authors’ reliance on citizen juries echoes Holland’s focus on articulating a substantive normative standard to justify environmental policies, thus raising similar questions about the role of broad public engagement. And practically speaking, ‘no matter how sound the science nor how widely shared the moral propositions, they cannot resolve differences in how to act or in the distribution of consequences from a given act’ (p. 5). Table 1.3 The Most Important Approaches (Schools) of Psychology. As developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum, capabilities theory addresses questions of justice not in terms of the distribution of wealth or happiness, but in terms of people’s actual ability to do and to be things they have reason to value. The goal would be to compile the decisions of innumerable citizen juries to create a body of international case law with a normative claim to social consensus similar to that of domestic common law. As the authors themselves state, ‘it is not the concern of juristic democracy that all and everyone have their say; rather, it is that everything worth saying gets capably said and heard’ (p. 174, original italics). In one of Max Weber’s last public lectures—“Politics as a Vocation” (1919)—he asked, what is the meaning of political action in the context of a whole way of life? For each paragraph, underline the main idea sentence (topic sentence). political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power relationships. Nature is not merely an object of either individual or collective choice, but a condition of choice (p. 34). The study of state, government and the political behaviour of man is intricately linked with the quest for achieving certain goals, morals or truths. More specifically, capability conflicts should be resolved by policies that establish and enforce ‘capability ceilings’, which are ‘limitations on the choice to pursue certain individual actions’ when those actions undermine other people’s minimum threshold level of capabilities (p. 142). 70, 111–112). California State University, Sacramento, 95819, CA, USA, You can also search for this author in The post-material thesis is empirically flawed, because it ignores not only today’s environmental justice movement but also earlier movements that addressed public sanitation, occupational health, and other issues that link environmental conditions and basic needs. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. (Varma, 2011).The two main demands of post-behaviouralism are relevance and action (Varma, 2011). It is the oldest approach to the study of politics. Existing practices, Meyer argues, should be understood as material – that is, as intertwined with material conditions, human and non-human entities, and built environments. A summary is telling the main ideas of the article in your own words. Modeled on juries in the US legal system, citizen juries consist of small groups of randomly selected lay citizens. Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject. 180–183). © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. However, critics have long argued that citizen juries represent only a hypothetical public: what the public would be, if it were deliberative. For example, there is widespread public support for polices to regulate environmental risks and preserve public space. For example, driving an SUV may be understood as the exercise of one’s capability for personal mobility, but SUVs pollute the environment and undermine people’s capabilities for life and bodily health. Contemp Polit Theory 15, e21–e28 (2016). Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. It is also known as speculative, metaphysical or ethical approach. Sociologists today employ three primary theoretical perspectives: the symbolic interactionist perspective, the functionalist perspective, and the conflict perspective. Fusce dui lectus, co, llentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. From this (neo-republican) perspective, ‘democracy entails contestation and struggle rather than agreement and well-structured deliberation’ (p. 186). But he shows how various household practices – including those of a student-run household and advocacy group at his university – suggest a more promising version of household environmentalism. Processes provide a likely solution. For Meyer, engaging with a vital material world is ‘not something new to any of us’, and most people are likely to perceive philosophical arguments for transforming one’s ontology as patronizing and paternalistic. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Environmentalists have long had a fraught relationship with liberalism, with many seeing classical liberal commitments to individual rights and private property as inherently anti-environmental, while others (like Holland and Baber and Bartlett), build on the tradition of social liberalism and view environmental protection as a key component of human freedom and equality. Philosophical Approach. Adopting a capabilities approach would thus allow policymakers to justify a registration tax on SUVs (p. 150). The second section turns to three areas of practice – private property, automobiles, and homes – to reveal internal tensions that suggest openings for social and environmental advocacy. 122–128). Most importantly, the decisions of a global network of citizen juries could be analyzed and aggregated by social scientists, using established techniques of content analysis and legal restatement whereby legal specialists periodically summarize case law to inform judges and lawyers about emerging principles of common law in the United States (pp. Second, Holland shows how capabilities theory offers a way of assessing the impact of environmental policies on questions of distributive justice. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. nstitutional approaches to explaining political phenomena suffer from three common limitations: reductionism, reliance on exogenous factors, and excessive emphasis on order and structure. The heart of the book consists of chapters on the valuation of environmental goods, the justification of environmental policies and a ‘capabilities approach to regulatory rulemaking’. This trust can serve as a foundation for future community development and community action. Three approaches to environmental political theory. Along with deliberative polls and other kinds of ‘mini-publics’, citizen juries are perhaps the most prominent institutional innovation associated with deliberative theories of democracy. Holland is well aware of the technocratic potential of her emphasis on substantive standards, and she takes pains to demonstrate its democratic legitimacy. But several questions remain unanswered. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor. Donec aliquet. In each case, Meyer examines the relevant practices with regard to a particular political concept: privacy, freedom, and citizenship, respectively. The book touches on a wide range of issues, including environmental justice, global federalism and theories of consensus. In contrast to these approaches, Holland expands Nussbaum’s capabilities approach in several key ways. For Meyer, ‘attending to practices draws our attention to the context that structures individual choices and the collective possibilities for such choices to modify this context’ (p. 15). The conflict perspective explains various aspects of our Expressed preferences for private automobiles should thus be neither morally condemned nor taken at face value, as they are intertwined with the existing physical infrastructure (pp. It explores how analysts have conceived the ways that the UN not only regulates the existing activities of states, but also helps weave the fabric of international society. Each adopts a different approach to environmental political theory: explicate and apply normative standards, design new institutions to propose such standards, develop an imminent critique of existing practices. The overall argument is that a global network of citizen juries could provide the foundation for an international common law of environmental protection. Meyer calls instead for ‘engaging materiality as it is already manifest in practice’ (p. 67). Meyer locates such resources in everyday material practices. Within the criminal justice system, there are three basic elements that constitute it: the police, the courts, and punishment. The police maintain public order by enforcing the law. This approach assumes that the main actor in foreign policy is a rational individual who can be relied on to make informed, calculated decisions that maximize value and perceived benefits to the state. Baber and Bartlett belittle such concerns as ‘apparently serious’ (p. 65), and they caricature them as amounting to the claim that ‘deliberation is too demanding, confusing, and frustrating for women and minorities to master’ (p. 67). Not only do physical capabilities such as bodily health depend on a threshold level of environmental protection, but even capabilities such as imagination, play and practical reason may be severely constrained by ecological destruction. Resting in part on the authors’ work with the Earth System Governance Project, an international social science network, this is Baber and Bartlett’s third co-authored book. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Political theory is an interdisciplinary endeavor whose center of gravity lies at the humanities end of the happily still undisciplined discipline of political science. In contrast to both the ‘outside critic’ (who relies on philosophy or science for a normative standard) and the ‘inside player’ (who goes along to get along), the ‘inside critic’ attempts to remind people of their own neglected or obscured moral resources. Holland thus argues that her proposal ‘should be understood as a way to secure conditions of democracy rather than as a threat to democratic deliberation’ (p. 197). The other classification is based on the objective of study of political science. The environmental movement has had remarkable success in certain limited areas, but environmental concerns remain relatively low on the public agenda, and global challenges like climate change and species extinction seem increasingly intractable. 106–119). Holland presents the capabilities approach as a ‘substantive’ alternative to the leading ‘procedural’ approaches to environmental policymaking: cost-benefit analysis and deliberative processes. In their everyday lives, Americans often treat property as socially and ecologically embedded. The conflicts between labour and management occur because every group negatively perceives the behaviour of the other i.e. Psychological approach The problems of IR have their origin in the perceptions of the management, unions and the workers. But Holland follows Nussbaum, who builds on the tradition of Rawlsian ideal theory and offers a list of ten universal human capabilities. Prominent right realists such as James Q. Wilson (1975) and Charles Murray (1990) come from political Decisions by the International Court of Justice, for example, are only binding on the parties to the case at hand. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vita, at, ultrices ac magna. 3 Approaches to Ethics: Principles, Outcomes and Integrity The social world is messy and ethics helps us muddle through. The current book builds on the authors’ previous work by taking up the challenge of developing a global consensus on basic environmental norms. Baber and Bartlett begin by acknowledging that nation states and transnational corporations present enormous obstacles to international environmental law. If you can't underline the book, write that sentence on your computer or a piece of paper. Citizen juries are usually single-shot episodes, providing no opportunity for participants to build group solidarity and commitment over time. Baber and Bartlett propose to address these dilemmas with citizen juries. Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories: Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapies . When people see how their homes are ‘central to the reproduction of everyday life, the nexus for a wide variety material practices and flows’, then ‘the already present concerns and identities that emerge from the home can be recognized as a basis for environmental action’ (p. 156). The Philosophical Approach: The philosophical approach concentrates on the values which a political system should set for itself. The real weakness of international law, they argue, lies in its lack of adherence to precedent. The Presocratics were 6th and 5th century BCE Greek thinkers who introduced a new way of inquiring into the world and the place of human beings in it. Meyer’s account of various alternative practices provides hope for environmental goals, but at points he seems to underestimate the structural barriers they face. Transportation and urban planning policies that open up a wider range of mobility options would make the constraints of the current system more evident. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Like other immanent critiques, Meyer’s case studies are vulnerable to the objection that he has exaggerated the possibilities for generating reform from within existing practices. Moreover, the legal judgments of international organizations need not be enforced by those same organizations (p. 51). In contrast, the conflict perspective views society as composed of different groups and interest competing for power and resources. What should be the requirements for amending an administrative constitution based on capabilities theory? The book begins with a persuasive if mostly familiar critique of economic and deliberative approaches to environmental policymaking. Each of these books takes up a different domain of politics: regulatory policymaking (Holland), international environmental law (Baber and Bartlett) and everyday life (Meyer). While Meyer supports Bennett’s critique of mechanistic views of nature as inert and passive matter, he argues that her emphasis on persuading readers to adopt a new ontology leaves little space for everyday political questions (p. 64). The three important among them have been discussed here. the three main approaches to explaining political action. Despite these differences, the authors all reject technocratic proposals for environmental authoritarianism, and they share a conviction that political theory needs to reach beyond white-middle-class environmentalism to engage questions of justice and democracy in diverse communities around the world. And she notes that some elements of capabilities theory are already implicit in existing environmental laws, such as the US National Environmental Policy Act, which Holland suggests have been enacted through at least minimally democratic procedures. In one of the book’s most important sections, Meyer refutes Ronald Inglehart’s influential argument that environmentalism depends on ‘higher-order’, ‘post-material’ values that only emerge in relatively wealthy societies once basic material needs are secure. They meet once or more to discuss a controversial public issue and make recommendations about it. There are huge number of traditional approaches such as philosophical, institutional, legal, and historical approaches (D. K. Sarmah, 2007). A participatory planning process generally reflects the mission and goals of grass roots and community-based organizations. He wants to avoid undermining ordinary people’s efforts to determine what capabilities they deem most important in local contexts. There are a number of approaches to studying politics. Rational choice theory, also known as theory of rational choice, choice theory or rational action theory, is a framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior. This article discusses theoretical approaches that have led the study of international organization, including the United Nations (UN), for the last fifty years. Summarize the three main approaches to explaining political action. Meyer’s second case examines people’s lived experience with automobiles, showing that cars create both freedom and dependence. For real progress to be made, the “proverbial ‘black box,’ the firm, has to be opened and studied from within.” 1. It was argued by the post-behaviouralist that Political Science in order to be relevant to the society must consider basic issues of society such as justice, liberty, equality, democracy, etc. Ideational approaches to political explanation, while often more sensitive to change and agency, largely exhibit the same shortcomings. As a result, ‘international law lacks the capacity to grow’ (p. 37). Cars allow a person to seek a job far from home, but the long commute may soon become a source of unfreedom. Part of Springer Nature. Apparently undeterred by such critiques, Baber and Bartlett double-down on the hypotheticals, proposing that participants would not discuss actual policy issues but rather hypothetical cases designed to highlight narrowly defined, concrete questions of environmental law and policy. In the broadest sense, they can be defined as collections of tasks and activities that together — and only together — transform inputs into outputs. In the first of his case studies, Meyer shows that the absolutist view of property rights associated with liberalism does not capture most Americans’ actual attitudes and practices regarding private property. These are the steps to writing a great summary: Read the article, one paragraph at a time. Police use personal discretion in deciding whether and how to handle a situation. Summary Writing Steps. From this perspective, the important distinction is not between procedure and substance, but between everyday administrative rulemaking and the quasi-constitutional principles that guide and constrain it. The Three Main Sociological Perspectives 2 Conflict Perspective The functionalist perspective views society as composed of different parts working together. Th… Moreover, Meyer sees the attempt to embrace ‘vital materiality’ as ‘less a materialist project than an idealist one’, and it amounts to a form of external criticism (p. 66). First, she argues that the environment should be understood as a ‘meta-capability’ that is a precondition for all other capabilities (p. 112). If this is the case, it is 5 Some authors have used the concept of “national political power” as well (Christensen 1996) 6 Although neoclassical realists adopt the conception of state of the German tradition (Hintze , von Ranke, Weber), i.e. Moreover, post-materialism is politically misguided, since it fosters a narrow conception of environmentalists as virtuous elites concerned with protecting pristine wilderness (p. 52). 1.3: Summarize the logic of the three main approaches to explaining political action and recognize the logics in examples of explanatory arguments 1.4: Identify the three main methods that political scientists use to test and support their explanations 1.5: Identify the main subfields in the study of politics Chapter 2: Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Rather than trying to trump people’s everyday concerns with philosophical arguments or social scientific studies, Meyer argues, ‘we would do far better to explore ways to address climate and environmental challenges as an integral part of these concerns’ (p. 4, original italics). An action plan is written so that any employee can do the task successfully alone and is followed much like a recipe. Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. These perspectives offer sociologists theoretical paradigms for explaining how society influences people, and vice versa. In any case, even if economic approaches could assess the full economic value of non-human nature, they still could not capture its unique, irreplaceable, non-economic value (pp. Strategy formulation refers to the process of choosing the most appropriate course of action for the realization of organizational goals and objectives and thereby achieving the organizational vision. Deliberative stakeholder processes, such as ecosystem-based management (EBM), incorporate non-economic concerns, but their emphasis on seeking consensus allows powerful interests to undermine serious efforts to protect the environment (pp. Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist/postpositivist paradigm. She rightly points out that democratic representation requires not only satisfying popular preferences but also promoting the substantive interests of the represented (pp. Nussbaum argues that such conflicts should be resolved through deliberation by those directly affected. Intersectoral action on SDH was central to the model of comprehensive primary health care proposed to drive the Health for All agenda following the 1978 Alma-Ata conference. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. The process of strategy formulation basically involves six main steps. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. For anyone ready to move beyond such arguments, Meyer’s attention to the concerns and dilemmas of everyday life offers a promising alternative. 47–49, 57–58, 175–179). 57–81). Right realism emerged in the USA and the UK around the 1980s, in response to rising crime rates and a perceived failure of sociological approaches to adequately address the real causes of crime. Cost-benefit analysis focuses on people’s ‘willingness to pay’ for environmental goods, and such willingness may be distorted by ignorance or by people adapting their preferences to existing circumstances, which for many provide few opportunities to enjoy nature. The key is to ‘institutionalize citizens’ capacity to object’ to the way that policymakers and scientific experts represent public interests (p. 187). The second book under review, Consensus and Global Environmental Governance by Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett, rejects the search for substantive guarantees – or rather seems to, as I explain in a moment – while vigorously defending citizen deliberation. Their overall assessment of these issues remains unclear, but they suggest that social exclusion can be avoided with careful institutional design (pp. Affects people very differently, depending on their socio-economic resources ( Schools ) of Psychology scientists to... 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