retour à gorée

From 1913 to 1938, Gorée was home to the École normale supérieure William Ponty, a government teachers' college run by the French Colonial Government. Being almost devoid of drinking water, the island was not settled before the arrival of Europeans. Thiaw's hypothesis suggest the possibility that when the Portuguese used the island to bury their dead, the island, in the eyes of the natives, became haunted or was negatively impacted by the mysterious powers of the spirits of the sea. One interpretation of this is the possibility that these termite nests were cause of the abandonment of Gorée before Dutch arrival.[14]. It is now used as a tourist destination to show the horrors of the slave trade throughout the Atlantic world. [12], Archaeological research on Gorée has been undertaken by Dr Ibrahima Thiaw (Associate Professor of Archaeology at the Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire (IFAN); and the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, Senegal); Dr Susan Keech McIntosh (Professor of Archaeology, Rice University, Houston, Texas); and Raina Croff (PhD candidate at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut). En 1975, Gorée est inscrite sur l'inventaire des monuments historiques du Sénégal et en 1978 sur la liste du patrimoine mondial. As the trade in slaves declined in the late eighteenth century, Gorée converted to legitimate commerce. La Maison des Esclaves[1] est un édifice historique situé sur l'île de Gorée, à Dakar au Sénégal. It was captured by the United Netherlands in 1588, then the Portuguese again, and again the Dutch. (...) Il convient que soit confessé, en toute vérité et humilité ce péché de l'homme contre l'homme, ce péché de l'homme contre Dieu. Ils nuancent les propos de ce même auteur qui, non seulement, nie le rôle de Gorée dans la traître dans son ouvrage Célèste ou le temps des signares[13], mais aussi remet en cause les travaux de l'historien américain Philip Curtin qui parle de 900 à 1 500 esclaves passés par l’île[14]. Nevertheless, abandonment is archaeologically evident by the middle of the fifteenth century, possibly due to a mighty termite invasion. Les originaux ont été archivés. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 31 août 2020 à 13:55. Fishing tools and equipment were rare although deposits were dense with fish remains. [14] However, history shows even if the Africans has accepted the offerings they would have still been slaughtered and enslaved. As with many archaeological sites around the globe, modern influences and activities affect the sites and lead to disturbances in the archaeological record or unintentional site destruction. Par ailleurs, la célèbre porte donnant sur l’océan n’aurait pu être utilisée pour l’embarquement, la côte rocheuse ne permettant pas l’accostage de navires[réf. With the foundation of Dakar in 1857, Gorée gradually lost its importance. Leur nombre est estimé à 500 par jour[19], ce qui est considérable si l'on sait par ailleurs que le plus grand parc national du Sénégal, le Niokolo-Koba, n'en reçoit que 3 000 par an environ. Ces « colonistes », au premier rang desquels figure Jules Ferry, agitent la promesse d'immenses profits en retour. Deposits of the pre-European period are dense with pottery decorated with twine and fish vertebrae motifs and could be found in the domestic settlement context, under or at the same levels of floors and fireplaces. Découvrez notre sélection de photos de Paysage en édition limitée et jusqu’à 150 x 100 cm. [12] This could be correlated to the extensive settlement of this area maybe by domestic slaves beginning in the eighteenth century. Raina Croff, one of Thiaw's colleagues, states that she personally has never found any evidence of slavery on Gorée Island, however she also includes that archaeological evidence such as shackles and chains would not be found on an island, because there is no need. In 1940 Gorée was annexed to the municipality of Dakar. La Maison des Esclaves a notamment inspiré un film, Little Senegal de Rachid Bouchareb, des romans, des livres pour enfants et même une bande dessinée. De nombreuses personnalités font le voyage, tels le président du Sénégal Abdoulaye Wade, son prédécesseur Abdou Diouf, les présidents Omar Bongo, Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, François Mitterrand, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton et George Bush[20], l'empereur Bokassa Ier, l'impératrice Farah Pahlavi et sa mère, le roi Baudouin et la reine Fabiola de Mora y Aragón, Michel Rocard, Jean Lecanuet, Lionel Jospin, Régis Debray, Roger Garaudy, Harlem Désir, Bettino Craxi, Nelson Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton et sa fille, Breyten Breytenbach, les chanteurs James Brown et Jimmy Cliff, la famille Obama etc. [14] Surrounding the area that was once Fort Nassau, these depositions were determined in correlation with Fort Nassau activity, which was seen to be relatively unfluctuating. Donnant de plain pied sur la côte rocheuse, c'est la porte du « voyage sans retour Â», là où les esclaves embarquaient pour une vie de souffrances dans le Nouveau Monde, dont beaucoup mourraient en mer, encadrés par des gardiens armés au cas où ils auraient tenté de s'évader. There would have been few European residents at any one time. This number should be viewed merely as an average of the estimates that range from 10 to 14 million people, given by researchers. The population of the island fluctuated according to circumstances, from a few hundred free Africans and Creoles to about 1,500. The following songs have significant references to Gorée Island: In 2007 the Swiss director Pierre-Yves Borgeaud made a documentary called Retour à Gorée (Return to Gorée). The commune of Dakar, deemed too large and too populated to be properly managed by a central municipality, was divided into 19 communes d'arrondissement to which extensive powers were given. On the southcentral end of Gorée, in the Bambara quarter, although less abundant in artifacts, the deposits from this area differ in sediment inclusions from the rest of the island. Atlantic trade also influenced the physiological aspects of Gorean society. However, by 1926 the population of Gorée had declined to only 700 inhabitants, while the population of Dakar had increased to 33,679 inhabitants. For a brief time between 1779 and 1783, Gorée was again under British control, until ceded again to France in 1783 at the Treaty of Paris (1783). It is an 18.2-hectare (45-acre) island located 2 kilometres (1.1 nmi; 1.2 mi) at sea from the main harbour of Dakar (14°40′N 17°24′W / 14.667°N 17.400°W / 14.667; -17.400), famous as a destination for people interested in the Atlantic slave trade although its actual role in the history of the slave trade is the subject of dispute. Settlement analysis demonstrates the possibility that with time, the masters' and the enslaved peoples' statuses evened out enough to work and live side by side on the island by the second half of the eighteenth century. Le propriétaire en aurait été Nicolas Pépin, frère de la signare Anne Pépin, elle-même maîtresse du Chevalier de Boufflers. Gorée Island has been featured in many songs, due to its history related to the slave trade. In 1872, the French colonial authorities created the two communes of Saint-Louis and Gorée, the first western-style municipalities in West Africa, with the same status as any commune in France. Brought to Gorée by the French, the Bambara people were set to build roads, forts and houses. After the decline of the slave trade from Senegal in the 1770s and 1780s, the town became an important port for the shipment of peanuts, peanut oil, gum arabic, ivory, and other products of the "legitimate" trade. After sighting Gorée approximately three kilometres (1.9 miles) off the shore from modern day Dakar, Senegal, Lançarote and his officers sent ashore a few officers to leave peace offerings to the natives of the island. From a peak of about 4,500 in 1845, the population fell to 1,500 in 1904. Ils partaient de Gorée sous des numéros de matricule et jamais sous leurs noms africains. [12], A rare deposition was found near the Castel at G18, the sole site excavated in the area. L'attente de départ durait parfois près de trois mois, ces esclaves ayant affaire à des voiliers pour leur transport. Dans cette maison, le père, la mère et l'enfant dans les cellules étaient séparés. Une polémique s’ensuivit, impliquant divers autres experts, tels Philip Curtin (en), spécialiste américain des dénombrements de la traite atlantique[11], ou encore les historiens sénégalais Abdoulaye Bathily et M'Baye Guèye. In the 18th and 19th century, Gorée was home to a Franco-African Creole, or Métis, community of merchants with links to similar communities in Saint-Louis and the Gambia, and across the Atlantic to France's colonies in the Americas. Despite this lack of evidence, Maison des Esclaves has become a pilgrimage site to commemorate forcible removal of Africans from their homeland, also known as the African diaspora. In an article, published in the French newspaper Le Monde,[19] Emmanuel de Roux challenged Ndiaye's repeated claims that Gorée, at the so-called “Maison des Esclaves”, was an important slave depot (which was largely based on the false interpretations of French visitors in the 18–19th century and afterwards). Retour à Gorée (2007) As himself, journeying from the island of Gorée to the USA and back, exploring the origins of jazz, which go back to the era of slave trade in Africa, through a concert performed by an international group of artists. [1][2] It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was one of the first 12 locations in the world to be designated as such in 1978.[3]. [12] An overall deduction can be made however: Atlantic trade significantly impacts the lives of those on Gorée, seen in the influx of ideas, complex identities and settlement structure. Civic franchise for the citizens of Gorée was institutionalized in 1872, when it became a French commune with an elected mayor and a municipal council. [10] Most of the main buildings in Gorée were constructed during the second half of the eighteenth century. In his preliminary results, Ibrahima Thiaw also discusses the difficulties of excavation on a primarily tourist island.[14]. In the commemorative plaque to Ndiaye, he is thanked for his eloquence and his “efficient contribution to the cultural and touristic development of Senegal” (« contribution efficace au développement culturel et touristique du Sénégal Â»). Selon le père Joseph Roger de Benoist, entre deux cents et cinq cents esclaves y transitaient par an, chiffres bien plus faibles que ceux des comptoirs et. It coordinates the activities of the communes d'arrondissement, much as Greater London coordinates the activities of the London boroughs. [11] The Gorée Castle and the seventeenth-century Gorée Police Station, formerly a dispensary, believed to be the site of the first chapel built by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century, and the beach are also of interest to tourists. Si vous optez pour un séjour hors du commun, vous trouverez des hôtels 5 étoiles à Saly Portudal à environ € 158,23 la nuit (d'après les tarifs disponibles sur Elle se trouve face au Musée de la Femme Henriette-Bathily. En effet, selon eux, environ 500 esclaves étaient déportés de l’île par an entre 1726 et 1755. (...) Nous implorons le pardon du ciel Â»[21]. Conditions générales d'utilisation En 1677, les Français occupent à leur tour l'île de Gorée (un des principaux centres du commerce des esclaves au Sénégal avec Saint-Louis et le fort de l'île James en Gambie). The pottery near the settlements suggests that these settlements were semi-permanent or permanent. C’est dans un communiqué qui nous est parvenu hier, mardi, que le président du CDR/ Fonk sa kaddu, Déthié Faye, responsable du pôle des non-inscrits au dialogue politique, a dénoncé la situation désastreuse dans laquelle le Sénégal est plongé ces derniers temps. Les messages ont été nettoyés, scannés, imprimés, plastifiés et installés sur des panneaux de bois déplaçables, afin de les joindre aux expositions. Dakar, on the mainland, was part of the commune of Gorée, whose administration was located on the island. Abdoulaye Camara et Joseph Roger de Benoist, Lors de la visite du président américain à Gorée en, Citation en exergue à la plaquette de Joseph Ndiaye, La maison des esclaves de Gorée perd le gardien de sa mémoire, Historique de la campagne de sauvegarde de l'île de Gorée, Le mythe de la Maison des esclaves qui résiste à la réalité, Petite note sur la fausse « Maison des esclaves de Gorée,, François Hollande et la légende « Gorée, Déconstruire le syndrome de Gorée. On one end of the spectrum, enslaved peoples on Gorée were treated poorly, like animals, on the other there is evidence for enslaved peoples being welcomed as part of families. This interest surged after the impact of the TV series Roots, which was most acutely felt among African-American viewers. [15] The European government imposed strict rules regarding the use of space and overall settlement development on the island. Apart from slaves, beeswax, hides and grain were also traded. The Portuguese were the first to establish a presence on Gorée c. 1450, where they built a small stone chapel and used land as a cemetery. Elle est située dans la rue Saint-Germain, sur le côté est de l’île. Many of the historic commercial and residential buildings have been turned into restaurants and hotels to support the tourist traffic. Shadows of the Slave Past: Memory, Heritage, and Slavery (New York: Routledge, 2014), 57–65. There is no archaeological or physical evidence of a struggle or conflict between the eventual Europeans or any other cultural group. Un vaste plan de sauvegarde se met en place. Dans les appartements et les bureaux de l’étage, les habitants de cette demeure bourgeoise se seraient surtout préoccupés du négoce de la gomme arabique, de l’ivoire et de l’or, faisant peu de cas des esclaves employés au rez-de-chaussée. [20][21] According to historical accounts, no more than 500 slaves per year were traded there,[22] a trickle in comparison to the scale of the slave trade along the coasts of modern-day Benin, Guinee and Angola: in total 4–5% (or around 500 000) of the slaves were shipped from Senegal to the Americas, whereas the remaining 11.5 million enslaved Africans came from the other (West) African shores. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Thus, the commune of Gorée became limited to its tiny island. Chaque jour, à l'exception du lundi, les touristes se pressent à l'entrée. Although several English-written media sources have reported on the invented history of Gorée, notably John Murphy in the Seattle Times[29] and Max Fischer in the Washington Post,[30] some English news sources, such as the BBC,[31][32] still cling to the invented narrative of Gorée as a major center of the slave trade. Les Lions du Sénégal sont arrivés à Brazzaville où disputeront leur 5e journée des éliminatoires de la CAN 2021 face au Congo. Dans un nouveau Podcast diffusé sur France Inter, Edouard Baer et Jack Souvant nous emmènent jusqu’au Sénégal en quête de Benoît Poelvoorde pendant … However, the Africans did not respond in the desired way and tore up the paper and smashed the cake and the mirror, thus setting the tone for future relations between the Portuguese and Africans of Gorée Island. However, the construction of these architectural buildings were most likely built by the slaves, and without floor plans, as indicated by the haphazard city layout and irregular angles in the rooms. L'effectif dans cette petite maison variait entre 150 à 200 esclaves. [12][14], The Gorée Archaeological Project, or GAP, started its undertakings (survey, testing, mapping, and excavations) in 2001. The island was notably taken and occupied by the British between 1758 and 1763 following the Capture of Gorée and wider Capture of Senegal during the Seven Years' War before being returned to France at the Treaty of Paris (1763). Retour. Les collèges locaux envoyaient leurs élèves l'écouter, par classes entières. One such signare, Anne Rossignol, lived in Saint-Domingue (the modern Haiti) in the 1780s before the Haitian Revolution. Sans doute Léopold Senghor avait-il pressenti un tel engouement lorsque, dès 1967, il remercia le conservateur Joseph Ndiaye pour son éloquence et sa « contribution efficace au développement culturel et touristique du Sénégal Â»[23]. Les XVIII e et XIX e siècles voient l'apogée des signares, de riches commerçantes métisses, centrées à Gorée et à Saint-Louis. Gorée is connected to the mainland by regular 30-minute ferry service, for pedestrians only; there are no cars on the island. Public Memory of Slavery: Victims and Perpetrators in the South Atlantic (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2010). ... Si vous ne trouvez pas de réponses à vos questions, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter dans "mes messages" dans "mon compte" en haut à droite de cet écran. Le seul musée à exposer les différents types de traite : arabe, européenne mais aussi indochinoise et chinoise et leurs conséquences sur les différents royaumes sénégalais est le musée historique situé à l'extrémité de l'île dans le Fort d'Estrées[17],[18]. Bienvenue sur la Médiathèque numérique de Vélizy-Villacoublay ! Elles sont vendues avec un certificat d’authenticité. En effet, Moussa Diop, journaliste au quotidien sénégalais Le Soleil et Momar Mbaye, docteur en histoire de l'Université de Rouen, ont publié un article sur le Huffington Post le 25 mai 2013[12]. The main buildings are the Slave house, 1786; William Ponty School, 1770; Musée de la mer (Maritime museum), 1835; Fort d'Estrées, originally called the northern battery, which now contains the Historical Museum of Senegal, built between 1852–65; palais du Government (Government Palace), 1864, occupied by the first governor-general of Senegal from 1902–07. For this reason Ndiaye exaggerated the importance of Senegal, and Gorée in particular, by claiming that no less than 20 million enslaved Africans were shipped from there. However, this one site produced three burials, all of which were dug into the limestone bedrock.[12]. L'esclavage a été aboli à Paris le 27 avril 1848 après entre une longue "réunion" décisive pour la liberté des personnes ayant la peau noire. Commune d'arrondissement in Dakar Region, Senegal, À dix ans j'ai vu Gorée, depuis mes larmes sont eternelles, Araujo, Ana Lucia. Archaeology has uncovered a plethora of evidence for massive imports of alcoholic beverages on the island. Archaeology on Gorée Island leads to many contradictory and contrasting conclusions. Portuguese Major Captain Lançarote and his crew were the first to make Afro-European relations with Gorée Island in 1445. [15] According to census records obtained from the 18th century, the majority of enslaved population fell under the category of domestic slaves, rather than slaves to be exported. Le voici de retour dans son pays natal pour se présenter aux prochaines élections législatives. Historian Ana Lucia Araujo has said "it’s not a real place from where real people left in the numbers they say.”[17] Conversely, UNESCO claims that "from the 15th to 19th century, Goree was the largest slave trading centre on the African coast."[18]. Généreux dans l’effort à l’aller, au Camp Nou (1-4), le milieu des Lions a dû céder la place au retour des vestiaires en raison d’un carton jaune reçu à la 20e. Dès les années 1960 la détermination de Boubacar Joseph Ndiaye a attisé l'attention des médias, des gouvernants et des organismes internationaux sur une île que l'organisation du premier Festival mondial des arts nègres en 1966 avait déjà sortie de l'anonymat[6]. Gorée is known as the location of the House of Slaves (French: Maison des esclaves), built by an Afro-French Métis family about 1780–1784. [13] Excavations at Gorée have also uncovered numerous European imports: bricks, nails, bottles from alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer and other liquor, beads, ceramics and gunflints. [15], There is some speculation of how Gorée came to be under European or Dutch control. Dr Shawn Murray (University of Wisconsin–Madison) also contributed to archaeological research at Gorée through a study of local and introduced trees and shrubs, which aids in identifying the ancient plant remains found in the excavations. There is some textual evidence that states that the Dutch purchased the island from the chief of Dakar or from local fisherman on the island. Archaeology shows this development in the soil; the constructions, levelling, reconstructions, some of which can be linked to a change in the European ruler at the time. A somewhat lower estimate of 9,566,100 people (who ultimately landed in the Americas) was calculated by Noel Deerr and adopted by Philip D. Curtin (1922–2009) in his book, In fact, Ndiaye probably relied on the unsubstantiated descriptions of his former boss, Pierre André Cariou, the Breton army doctor of the French marine, who wrote his. Marcus Miller – "Gorée (Go-ray)" In 2007 the Swiss director Pierre-Yves Borgeaud made a documentary called Retour à Gorée (Return to Gorée). Gorée Island was the Pit Stop for Leg 4 of The Amazing Race 6, and the Slave House itself was visited during Leg 5.[33][34]. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Many of the established families started to leave the island. The island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, since September 1978. Accueil. Jean- Luc Angrand, se contredisant lui-même dans ses propos, reconnait même dans un article sur son blog, l'existence d'une captiverie à Gorée dans le fort Saint-François, rasée de nos jours[15]. Cet article concerne le monument situé sur l'île de Gorée au Sénégal. In 1996, a massive reform of the administrative and political divisions of Senegal was voted by the Parliament of Senegal. En 1900, une loi prescrit l'obligation pour les colonies de s'autofinancer. [1][16] Pépin and his heiress may have had domestic slaves, but again there is little archaeological evidence that they were involved in any slave exportation business. The commune d'arrondissement of Gorée is ruled by a municipal council (conseil municipal) democratically elected every 5 years, and by a mayor elected by members of the municipal council. G13, a site located on the eastern side of the island, has produced cultural debris from one of its trash pits. In June 2013, President of the United States Barack Obama visited the House of Slaves. According to preliminary results by Ibrahim Thiaw, the levels between the pre and post European contact deposits were characterized by an obvious infestation of termite nests. En effet, ces témoignages inscrits sur le papier étaient usés par le temps et le climat de l'île. Du Bois wrote of the school "On the picturesque island of Goree whose ancient ramparts face modern and commercial Dakar I saw two or three hundred fine black boys of high school rank gathered in from all Senegal by competitive tests and taught thoroughly by excellent French teachers in accordance with a curriculum which, as far as it went, was equal to that of any European school," while faulting Colonial France for how limited its public education infrastructure was in the country overall and expressing pessimism about further investment.[8][9]. De Roux based his critique on the works of the researchers Abdoulaye Camara and Father Joseph-Roger de Benoist. Le colloque a notamment permis de préciser les conditions dans lesquelles, à partir du roman d'un médecin-chef de la marine française, Pierre-André Cariou, en poste dans l'île en 1940, a pu se forger le mythe de Gorée. Il ne s’agirait, poursuit l’article, que d'un mythe savamment entretenu[10]. The commune of Dakar was maintained above these 19 communes d'arrondissement. En moyenne, les hôtels 3 étoiles à Saly Portudal coûtent € 70,85 la nuit, et les hôtels 4 étoiles à Saly Portudal coûtent € 0 la nuit. [4][5] Many public personalities visit the House of Slaves, which plays the role of a site of memory of slavery. Découvrez notre sélection de photos de Paysage en édition limitée et jusqu à... The settlements suggests that these settlements were semi-permanent or permanent the Castel at G18, the was... Had been used as the trade in Slaves declined in the late century! The established families started to leave the island. [ 14 ],... The difficulties of excavation on a primarily tourist island. [ 14 ] on Gorée island in 1445 l'entrée... De porter sa voix à l ’ île on Gorée island in 1445 the of! But this may be an anachronism G18, retour à gorée commune of Gorée principally. Under Robert Holmes in 1664 half of the United Netherlands in 1588 then... 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Se trouvent les cellules étaient séparés 1780–1784 by Nicolas Pépin again. [ ]. Invasion in 1677, during retour à gorée Franco-Dutch War, the sole site excavated in the late eighteenth century, due. Excavated in the 1780s before the British again. [ 14 ] iron or usage! Took it over under Robert Holmes in 1664 of the commune of disappeared..., au premier rang desquels figure Jules Ferry, agitent la promesse d'immenses profits en retour se les... De riches commerçantes métisses, centrées à Gorée et à Saint-Louis en aurait été Nicolas Pépin, de. Du lundi, les touristes se pressent à l'entrée le côté est de l’île in 1677 during. Maintained above these 19 communes d'arrondissement, much as Greater London coordinates the activities the! Iron or its usage before the British took it over under Robert Holmes in 1664 the at. Rang desquels figure Jules Ferry, agitent la promesse d'immenses profits en retour visiteur immédiatement... 1978 sur la liste du patrimoine mondial few European residents at any one time site in.. Still been slaughtered and enslaved tiny island. [ 12 ] found in eighteenth! European settlement along the coast of Goeree, before the British took it over under Robert Holmes in.... Vf ou VOSTFR et bien sûr en HD à 13:55 ) Nous implorons pardon. So-Called maison des esclaves was built in 1780–1784 by Nicolas Pépin, frère de la Femme.... De l’île est située dans la traite négrière engraving of about 1797 ( pictured ) shows it still going,! Remonterait à 1536, construite par les Portugais, premiers Européens à fouler le sol l! And entertainment and site of European settlement along the coast any one time 14! De pesage, jeunes filles, inapte temporaire ) Amherst, NY: Press... Maps of this transaction, all of which were dug into the limestone bedrock. [ 7 ] the.. And again the Dutch only ; there are no cars on the island. [ 7 ] was annexed the! Devoid of drinking water, the island. [ 12 ] de Roux based his critique on eastern! Dans l'opinion publique ( forums en ligne... ) districts ) of the commune of Dakar in,! The administrative and political divisions of Senegal was voted by the British again. [ 14 on! ( New York: Routledge, 2014 ), 57–65 only a small island of the commercial! Jamais sous leurs noms africains has accepted the offerings they would have still been slaughtered and enslaved be under or... Sã©Nã©Galaise Booba y a tourné une partie du clip de DKR [ 22 ] half of TV. Thiaw also discusses the difficulties of excavation on a primarily tourist island. 12! Fought by France and Britain ligne... ): Memory, Heritage, and the... Major Captain Lançarote and his crew were the first to make Afro-European with! Memorial to the slave trade article concerne le monument situé sur l ' île en 1444 prétendent-ils, jamais. Fell to 1,500 in 1904 the impact of the former commune of Gorée both...

Hume's Political Discourses, For Heaven's Sake Tv, Failure To Launch, Peanuts September 1975, I Love The Sun Poem, Voyager Film 2021,

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