carlos cortes historian

I expect nothing. Who are you to tell us that our name for ourselves is disparaging? But what interculturalists also need are more courageous conversations and difficult dialogues among ourselves about our own field of endeavor. The most recent survey indicated that about one quarter of all U.S. Latinos even cite American as their primary cultural identity, surpassing Latino, Hispanic, or for that matter Mejicano, Cubano, Puertorriqueño, or Dominicano. The fight occurred in Cortez’s chambers in front of a witness — a Dallas County sheriff’s deputy, according to Roger Mandel, who is Cortez… Personal Assets. Ever failed. What about national surveys? Studies Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional, Sociology, and History. And I have watched the term become increasingly perilous, mainly as a result of that holy trinity of language toxicity: misuse, abuse, and overuse. Professor Emeritus of History Now, interculturalists do some things very well. We may share intercultural principles, but we may also differ in the ways that we apply them. Part of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. It’s in the subtitle of today’s talk and of my book of poetry, Fourth Quarter: Reflections of a Cranky Old Man, in which I comment, crankily, on the world from the perspective of an octogenarian. Page created and maintained by CHASS College Computing. Carlos Osvaldo Cortez has been teaching students of various backgrounds for the past 23 years while holding an administrative position for 16 years and acting as CEO of SDCE for 11 years. - Gary Robbins • 2h. It provides exposure for scholars doing different types of intercultural research. Now I had heard interculturalists say the word USian and I’d asked why, getting varied responses. I wrote a blog about it. Please forgive me, Shannon and Louise, if I err in making it too simpler. centuries. He named the group The Slants. Will we succeed? Carlos's address is … Dr. Carlos O. Turner Cortez, Ph.D., is currently President of Continuing Education with the San Diego Community College District, where he oversees more than 40,000 students annually at seven campuses and over 200 off-site locations. Unfortunately, I’ve seen some trainers go one step further –- one inane step further — telling participants that they ought to totally avoid using any of the expressions on Sue’s list. Because of the 1946 Lanham Act, which forbids the registering of a trademark that “may disparage persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs or national symbols, or bring them into contempt or disrepute.”. You see, I had been a history professor since 1968, had been giving talks and workshops on diversity and multicultural education for two decades, and thought I had a pretty good fix on the diversity landscape. For eight decades I’ve used and heard the word American and I’ve never been offended by it. That’s one way I grapple with the clash of ideas. Carlos Cortés is 19 years old (17/09/2001). But short of very clear instances, we need to use restraint when it comes to declaring what is and what is not offensive. In other words, we should rigidly avoid perfectly good, basic, useful statements and questions out of the abject fear that someone, somewhere might take offense. Carlos Cortés has lectured and consulted widely throughout the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia on the implications of diversity for education, government, private business, and the mass media. Carlos Cortés, a professor emeritus of history at UC Riverside, has been selected as the recipient of a 2019 Latino Spirit Award from the California Latino Legislative Caucus. Had I been too stupid to recognize that American was actually offensive to me? A common example is Asian Americans answering with their city or state, then being pressed about their “real” origins, insinuating that they are inherently foreign. Since 1990 he has served on the summer faculty of the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, while he is also on the faculties of the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication and the Federal Executive Institute and has served as a Smithsonian Institution public lecturer. Carlos E. Cortés – is a retired history professor who travels the world with his wife, Laurel, while lecturing on cruise ships, reviewing television scripts, giving talks and workshops on diversity, and performing his one-person autobiographical play, “A Conversation with Alana: One Boy’s Multicultural Rite of Passage.”. Trump is now saying we only need a partial wall because his team has “discovered” that there are parts of the border where forests, mountains, and raging rivers make a wall unnecessary. These are differences that we should debate honestly, joyously, and respectfully in open forums, not just over glasses of Chardonnay. I decided to attend some pre-conference workshops. Professor Emeritus of History. It’s certainly interculturally laudable to try to become more reflective about our actions and our words. Just about anything you say these days will be construed as offensive by somebody. What do you do now if you’re working with an organization, a company, or a school, and some club or employee resource group decides that it wants to follow the path of N.W.A and The Slants? Forty Hipatia associate editors, all self-declared feminists, as is Tuvel, signed a petition demanding that her article be stricken from the journal and that apologies be issued. Carlos Cortes is a third generation “faux bois” concrete artisan carrying on a family tradition that has its Texas roots in San Antonio, circa 1924. That’s why English is one of the few languages of spelling bees. On the other side was my good friend, the late, great Ron Takaki, who criticized me because I  defended the practice of universities using Native American names for their sports teams. Rather we train younger people to re-transmit our sacred ideas and to re-apply our training methods. But let me add one more twist. And we definitely should avoid the temptation of inventing new verbal offenses and then riding to the linguistic rescue. He can be reached at For me, freedom includes aspiring to be like Sophocles’ tragic hero, King Oedipus. They invited me to teach at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication and suddenly, like Alice, I found myself in a brand new Wonderland — intercultural communication. That’s the kind of nanny-state stuff that demeans our public image. Try again. is a retired history professor who travels the world with his wife, Laurel, while lecturing on cruise ships, reviewing television scripts, giving talks and workshops on diversity, and performing his one-person autobiographical play, “A Conversation with Alana: One Boy’s Multicultural Rite of Passage.” As interculturalists, we have serious skin in this game, because bad training can bring disrepute to the entire interculturalist project. Bemused, yes. . He is the author of The Children Are Watching: How the Media Teach about Diversity and is a creative/cultural advisor for Nickelodeon's Peabody Award winning children's television series ''Dora the Explorer'' and its spinoff, ''Go, Diego, Go!,'' for which he received a 2009 NAACP Image Award. If I altered my perspective, which is what interculturalists do, I was just one day into the fourth quarter of my life. I’m now 83. For interculturalism to become a public intellectual thought leader, we need to celebrate the asking of tough questions, the eagerness to reach unpopular conclusions, and the willingness to respectfully challenge positions of even our closest intercultural colleagues. . Or those, including most U.S. Latinos, who take great pride in calling themselves American? I pit two or more people who have staked out conflicting positions, imagine them having an argument, and then try to tease out my own conclusions. All three degrees focus on African American feminist political history. There is even a Facebook site rallying people to avoid saying American. Carlos Cortes is Professor Emeritus of history at the University of California, Riverside. In doing so they carefully balanced the imperatives of intercultural respect and consideration for cultural tradition. So back to my personal journey and the wisdom of Emily Brontë, who wrote in her poem, “Stanzas”: “I’ll walk where my own nature would be leading. It was a matter of deciding whom to offend. This set me off on another of my Oedipal quests, to discover whether or not that use of American really was offensive to U.S. Latinos. Meet the Artists of ¡Printing the Revolution!The Rise and Impact of Chicano Graphics, 1965 to Now Carlos A. Cortéz. Now I had discovered Intercultural Communication . I have my own personal assessment tool, provided by that great Irish existentialist playwright-novelist, Samuel Beckett. 2B Carlos Cortes assigned to Atenienses de Manati. Most of all we should heed Mark Twain and avoid the desperate pursuit of a generally non-existent language neutrality. Obviously, one of the things we do as a profession is to try to help people avoid intercultural offenses. After all, we all appropriated the name from the same Italian cartographer, Amerigo Vespucci.”. 2. My father was a Mexican immigrant who proudly called himself an American. Nor have I observed a willingness to openly challenge intercultural sacred cows. “Personal resilience,” Christ said, is “the surest form of safe space.”  Personal resilience is “the surest form of safe space.”  That was the missing link. In fact, cranky has become my personal trademark. In 1924, the United States began a bold program in public health. First, we should gaze more intensely into the mirror, clarify our basic principles, and distance ourselves from those traps where principles have turned into fetishes. We need vibrant conference sessions with real clashes of ideas, sessions that at some academic conferences attract nationwide press attention. A number of years later I was part of a panel discussion in front of nearly a thousand university students and faculty, when the topic of Native American team names arose. His jersey number is 32.Carlos Cortés statistics and career statistics, live SofaScore ratings, Heatmap and goal video highlights may be available on SofaScore for some of Carlos Cortés and América de Cali matches. As I lay in bed, something hit me. . The nation’s largest association of Latino military veterans calls itself the American G.I. Let me begin by telling you a story. Dr. Cortez’s appointment is pending final approval of his employment contract to be considered at a future Board of Trustees meeting in public session. I’ve never even taken an Intercultural Communication course. Now I’m no attorney and I don’t want to hypothesize what the courts, the Patent Office, or the Redskins might do. The University of Ghana recently removed a statue of Mahatma Gandhi because he once said that Indians were “infinitely superior” to native Africans. Watch Queue Queue I’ve lived in Latin America and seldom encountered anyone who got particularly upset about our use of American. And I’ve been applying intercultural thinking in multiple venues, like teaching cultural competence in medical schools and lecturing about interculturalism on cruise ships. To places of ethical messiness, of competing goods and competing bads, where neutrality doesn’t exist and you must dig way down to make difficult choices between inevitable offenses. And we should make the examination of this messiness an essential part of our training of future generations of interculturalists. This is how an obsession with the laudable principle of avoiding offenses can become transformed into dysfunctional and counter-productive fetishism. By the way, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee recently conducted a nuanced intervention in the case of the Coachella Valley High School Arabs. I just learned that my book of poetry, “Fourth Quarter: Reflections of a Cranky Old Man,” has been chosen to be a finalist in the International Latino Book Awards. Carlos Eliseo Cortés, American historian, educator. One of my favorite authors, the Greek novelist Nikos Kazantzakis wrote –- it’s on his gravestone –- “I fear nothing. Yours are operating right now, maybe even reacting defensively to things I’ve said. And two young Asian American women have now launched a magazine called Slant’d, while there are currently seven trademark applications to register versions of the N-word. Instead it can infantilize people by contributing to their sense of “poor me, look at all of the microaggressions I have to face.”  In teaching about microaggressions, we should develop participants’ intercultural sensitivity and emotional intelligence, but we must simultaneously strengthen their sense of personal resilience and agency, their sense of “screw you if you think I’m going to let your microaggressions ruin my life.”  If we don’t develop people’s personal resilience while teaching about microaggressions, we contribute to disabling them. This subconscious operation occurs not only within ourselves, but within everybody else with whom we interact. Of course, as interculturalists we should vigorously condemn hate language. Instead, recognize the near inevitability of offending someone, make your decision, prepare for the ramifications, and move on. Let me give you an intercultural example. A few years ago I was asked to edit the four-volume Multicultural America encyclopedia. Turns out, they had never heard of me, either, but they politely reciprocated by attending my plenary. Now we all say and do stuff that may have an adverse impact on others, often without knowing it. Teaching about microaggressions advances interculturalism when it helps us become aware of more equitable ways to treat other people. So be it! So I sometimes honor such achievers by complimenting their English, while also recognizing that this compliment should not be used in certain other contexts. First, our subconscious brains operate continuously, no matter what we do consciously. Then another Brontean voice spoke up. To places where things aren’t win-win or clearly good vs. evil. Carlos E. Cortes is a professor emeritus of history at the University of California, Riverside. SDCCE is the 11th largest institution in the California Com-munity In short, the changing world around us is complicating our lives as twenty-first-century interculturalists –- the world of unexpected events, new ideas, complex controversies, and revealing research. I’ll save you the math. The editor asked a number of so-called experts to write essays that addressed the question, “Will Mexico Pay for the Wall?”  So to prepare my piece, I imagined a conversation between American President Donald Trump and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. We’re good at espousing intercultural theories, at fostering intercultural competence, and at helping people avoid intercultural faux pas. Tuvel was accused of multiple crimes, including “epistemic violence.”  Some critics went so far as to say it was offensive to even ask the transgender/transracial question. Business History. If that’s what the Seminoles, Chippewas, and Utes want, I support them, despite the arguments by many, including some interculturalists, that all Indian team names are inherently offensive. Sign in. Because some people in some situations don’t accept the response and add “But where are you really from?,” suggesting that the respondent has been hiding her true identity. Let me share two personal intercultural experiences. I could now play the age card. In other words, like Columbus, his team had discovered something that others, in this case geographers, have known for several . Well, surveys conclude that, overwhelmingly, U.S. Latinos are proud to call themselves American. I attend lots of Latino events, and the word American is omnipresent. By the way, a group of young men straight out of Compton, California, did the same thing three decades ago when they formed a hip hop group called N.W.A. Like all professional fields, interculturalism has its clichés. Carlos Cortés has lectured and consulted widely throughout the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia on the implications of diversity for education, government, private business, and the mass media.  He currently serves on the faculties of the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication, and the Federal Executive Institute. (951) 827-1487. In The Slants’ situation, some Asian Americans chose their own ethnic label, what we call an ethnonym. Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey presented the inaugural Dr. Carlos E. Cortés Award for Championing … That’s the way it should be in a vibrant field. That’s just your inference.”, “It also implies that we’re the only Americans.”, “Wrong again. But what I haven’t observed among interculturalists –- and admittedly I’m speaking as an outsider, so I could be wrong –- I have not observed the passion for the clash of ideas, the passion exhibited by Rebecca Tuvel, her antagonists, and her supporters. But I have yet to encounter one single truly lively IJIR forum in which scholars do vigorous battle over ideas, the vibrant kind of discourse that is so fundamental to most other disciplines. I come from a field, history, where you expect your ideas to be critiqued and critiqued hard. Being old has given me permanent residence in a microaggression-free zone. The Indian Service of the United States hired its first nurses to work among Indians living on reservations. The current fixation on avoiding microaggressions is becoming such a fetish, and neuroscience suggests why interculturalists need to avoid this fetishism. One of those expressions is “Where are you from?,” a question I’ve asked several times right here at this conference over the past two days. RIVERSIDE, Calif. – A new award created by the city of Riverside to recognize community members who are committed to inclusivity and diversity has been named for Carlos Cortés, UC Riverside professor emeritus of history. On January 28, 2016, the City of Riverside, California, announced the naming of an annual award in my name to be given to a Riverside resident who has made outstanding contributions to diversity and inclusion in the community. Carlos is related to Carlos I Cortes and Carlos Cortes . High resolution photo of Dr. Cortez That’s the essence of revisionism, and revisionism lies at the heart of all robust fields of thought. Both entities voted to make the change, despite vigorous protests by Italian Americans. Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1969, (951) 827-1487 No, I don’t want to be like Oedipus who killed his father and slept with his mother, two misadventures I’ve managed to avoid. Those who don’t like us calling ourselves American? To become a more vibrant field, we need –- we desperately need –a new publication of intercultural ideas. They’re your friends.”. He then tirelessly searched for the identity of his father’s killer, doggedly pursuing the evidentiary path even as it became terrifyingly clear that he, in fact, was the culprit. Who knows? And I find that I increasingly admire people who are willing to ask tough questions, search for honest answers, and challenge entrenched positions, regardless of the ramifications. It reminds me of the vitriolic literary feud between Mary McCarthy and Lillian Hellman, when McCarthy said about her rival, “Every word Lillian Hellman writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.’”   Well, in this age of microaggression mania, almost anything you say will probably offend somebody, including “and” and “the.”  That also goes for American. A young philosopher named Rebecca Tuvel published a peer-reviewed article in Hipatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. but. “Ever tried. Once logged in, you can add biography in the database So today I speak to you from the intercultural margins, as I take you on a journey — both personal and professional — that I hope sheds light on what I see as the 21st-century challenges and opportunities for interculturalism. I am free.”. . I would go with American, with historical tradition, and with respect for linguistic self-determination . “Today I received my social security check from the SSA. Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1969. "  He also performs his one-person autobiographical play, A Conversation with Alana: One Boy's Multicultural Rite of Passage. Now regardless of how much I may agree or disagree with Tuvel’s arguments, I applaud her courage in asking the question and, like Oedipus, pursuing her analysis to a conclusion that was almost guaranteed to –- well, maybe not to gouging out her own eyes — but certainly guaranteed to antagonize the high priestesses of her field. And then came the inevitable interculturalist trope:  “Using American for the United States is offensive to Latinos.”  Hm. By what measure? FE Note: For a complete list of titles by Carlos Cortez, plus other IWW and radical labor writers, contact Charles H. Kerr Publishing Co., 1740, W. Greenleaf Ave., Chicago IL 60626. Interculturalism is not always –- maybe seldom is –- a win-win situation. “That’s offensive.”  “All cultures deserve respect.”  “Cultural appropriation should be avoided.”  But, increasingly, 21st-century interculturalists will face situations where our clichés, even our well-established principles, will not suffice until we test them carefully on the messy challenges of the real world. The award is entitled the Carlos E. Cortes Award. It was a reported shoving match between Judge Carlos Cortez of the 44th Civil District Court and Judge Eric V. Moyé of the 14th Civil District Court. Those who have read my memoir, Rose Hill: An Intermarriage before Its Time, or seen my one-person autobiographical play, A Conversation with Alana: One Boy’s Multicultural Rite of Passage, know that I rather enjoy being marginal. Not just a leader within the limits of academia and the safe spaces of our training sites. Also, expect more on Cortez in our next edition, #370, “Wobblies and Work” issue. I had been asking the wrong question. That’s how we can become stronger as individual interculturalists. We do a fine job of replicating ourselves –- no, I’m not saying that we’re replicants. We teach courses and give workshops on holding courageous conversations and difficult dialogues. Now I’m not saying that no Latinos and Latin Americans are offended. In the Redskins’ situation, an outside group selected an ethnic label that, throughout much of U.S. history, has been used as a derogatory term for Native Americans, what we call an ethnophaulism. When Oedipus finally confronted his own guilt, he punished himself by gouging out his own eyes. What is Carlos Cortes's phone number? Ergo, The Slants may now trademark their name. However, the responses to my introduction suggested that some interculturalists actually took this issue seriously, and since I had great respect for them as individuals, I pondered their suggestion. Of course, from an interculturalist’s perspective it was like, “Hey, dude, we’ve been around for quite some time.”, I’ve been teaching at the Institute since 1995 and have developed an admiration for the field and a deep respect for its practitioners. Yet I remain an outsider. When The Slants won, the media immediately proclaimed the Redskins to be the real winner, because that decision could buttress their trademark case. Not to replace or replicate the IJIR, which serves its purpose, but rather an interculturalist professional magazine, in print or online, in which interculturalist scholars and practitioners challenge each others’ ideas using the vigorous language of public discourse, not the restrained, stilted, jargonistic vernacular of scholarly articles. Carlos O. Cortez, Ph.D. Carlos O. Cortez, Ph.D., presently serves as the president of the San Diego College of Continuing Education (SDCCE), one of the four colleges of the San Diego Community College District, the seventh-largest community college system in the United States. The case of the Sphinx opinion piece for a national outlet admitting there were a couple of things she have... Cortes award neuroscience suggests why interculturalists need to avoid saying American I to! Visible, and consultant for forty-five years for cultural tradition no record of Carlos Cortes age in! Is what interculturalists also carlos cortes historian regular spaces at association gatherings in which such public! The eleventh largest institution in the ways that we ’ re the only Americans. ”, “ it also that! Facebook site rallying people to avoid saying American say these days will be construed as offensive somebody. Forgive me, freedom includes aspiring to be like Sophocles ’ tragic hero, King Oedipus expect your ideas be. 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