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Get the news updates on WhatsApp & Telegram by subscribing to our channels. The anchor's name surfaced after the arrest of drug accused Kishore Shetty and Aman with contraband. Some channels floated speculative stories quoting ‘police sources’ for the last two days. “If the police have given any information to them, then let them come out with the names. File photo of former Karnataka CM HD Kumaraswamy. Sadananda Gowda who is a union minister, third is Congress leader M. Veerappa Moily, BJP leader, fourth is S.M. For all the latest India updates, download our app Android and iOS. As per reports, a CCB officer Shivprakash who was transferred, reportedly made the statement about this development linking politicians and Anushree. I am paying the price for joining hands with a choreographer to learn dancing skills. The Sandalwood drug case has now taken a political twist as former CM HD Kumaraswamy (HDK) dared the state government to name the “former CM, son of another CM and an MLA from coastal Karnataka” linked to the probe. Kumaraswamy: His father H D Deve Gowda was the former Prime Minister. Kumaraswamy on Saturday demanded a thorough inquiry into 'media leaks' in the Mangaluru drugs case involving TV anchor Anushree. Therefore I am demanding inquiry into it,” the former CM shot back. She also said she has no links with drugs and parties. One is Shettar, second is D.V. He asked the government to make the names public. The Chief Minister of Karnataka is the chief executive of the Indian state of Karnataka.As per the Constitution of India, the governor is a state's de jure head, but de facto executive authority rests with the chief minister.Following elections to the Karnataka Legislative Assembly, the state's governor usually invites the party (or coalition) with a majority of seats to form the government. “Why are you (media) guys beating around the bush?” he questioned. Media reports quoting a CCB official from Mangaluru who now is transferred reported that anchor Anushree called influential people to sway the probe. He/She has 1 son(s) Background information of H.D. Kumaraswamy was born to Shri H.D. Deve Gowda & and is married to Smt. Day after the Karnataka Congress ruled out deal with the JD(S) for the November 3 byelections in Karnataka, the former CM said there was no such proposal from his party. Anushree prior to becoming a hit TV anchor, had worked in a Kannada TV channel owned by Kumaraswamy and his son Nikhil Gowda used to head its operations. Drugs case: Ex-Karnataka CM Kumaraswamy demands probe on media reports,Bengaluru, Oct 3 (IANS) Taking strong exception to the media reports, former Karnataka Chief Minister H.D. After media reports claimed celebrity anchor Anushree was trying to influence the probe in the drugs case by allegedly calling a former Karnataka CM and the son of another former CM and an MLA, HD Kumaraswamy asked the state government to name the person and clear the confusion. Former Karnataka CM HD Kumaraswamy calls sealing strategy ineffective, seeks 20-day complete lockdown in Bengaluru ... with highest number of … Kumaraswamy is 61 years old Loksabha MP, elected from Bangalore Rural of Karnataka state as a member of Janata Dal (Secular) Party. Speaking to reporters after meeting Industries Minister Jagadish Shettar here, a visibly angry Kumaraswamy retorted that he was demanding an inquiry into the media reports. There are six former chief ministers alive today. As per reports, TV anchor Anushree after receiving CCB summons had allegedly called political leaders asking for help. To contribute an article to Siasat Daily or All Rights Reserved, Drugs case: Ex-Karnataka CM Kumaraswamy demands probe on media reports, Kazi Syed Karimuddin: Relevance of CA Debates on Right to Privacy in Modern India, Local smartphone production incentives for Apple in India, When SRK told Gauri Khan to wear burqa & change name to 'Ayesha', Bigg Boss-fame Sana Khan leaves showbiz, to follow religious path, BB 11 contestant Sapna Chaudhary blessed with baby boy, gets trolled. Contact with them police karnataka cm kumaraswamy contact number given any information to any media Veerappa Moily, BJP leader, fourth S.M. 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